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词汇 坚定
例句 The government is noted for its uncompromising drugs policy.这个政府以其打击毒品的坚定政策而闻名。Iwas feeling weak and agreed to go.我意志不够坚定,便同意去了。That stability was embodied in the Gandhi family.甘地家族体现了那种坚定的品质。Jack's voice went on tremulous yet determined.杰克接著讲下去,声音虽颤抖但却坚定It is my (firm) belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.我(坚定)相信使用核武器是不道德的。He has the robust approach needed.他具备了所需的坚定的行事态度。Adversity will steady his character.逆境会使他的性格坚定She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.她是一个特别机敏坚定的政治家。You can tell by the determined way he talks that he is a man with a mission.从他坚定的谈吐就可以看出他是一个肩负使命的人。The silence lengthened. Bella's expression was inflexible.沉默了良久,贝拉的表情依然很坚定Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession.小公司以勇气和坚定著称,即使是在经济萧条时期。His opposition acted as a goad to her determination to succeed.他的反对反而刺激她坚定了取得成功的决心。He was forceful, but by no means a zealot.他个性坚定,但绝不是什么狂热分子。Hardened foes of abortion are unlikely to be persuaded by her arguments.堕胎的坚定反对者不可能被她的观点说服。Her powerful words deepened our commitment to the cause.她的铿锵话语坚定了我们为事业献身的信念。He was a strong advocate of a multi-party system.他是多党制的坚定拥护者。Liberty must be firmly and clearly delineated.必须对自由进行坚定而明确的阐释。They will carry out their plan with steel determination.他们将以坚定的决心实现计划。Leonard, a confirmed atheist, simply could not understand.伦纳德这位坚定的无神论者实在是无法理解。Mill was a strong supporter of political reform.米尔是坚定的政治改革支持者。Growing up with him soon made me realise the extent of his determination.和他一起长大让我很快意识到他有多么坚定His resolve hardened in the face of further denials of the incident on the part of the management.面对资方进一步否认这个事件,他更加坚定了决心。They admired his courage and resolution. 他们钦佩他的英勇和坚定She was a strong advocate of women's suffrage.她是女性选举权的坚定倡导者。She managed to keep a stiff upper lip even as everything fell apart.即使一切都垮掉了,她依然沉着坚定Her eyes were clear and steady.她的眼神清澈而坚定The war had hardened American resolve.战争更加坚定了美国人的决心。He believes the firm support of domestic opinion will strengthen his hand at the UN.他认为国内舆论的坚定支持会使得他在联合国的地位更加巩固。For many it is an article of faith that the economy will begin to improve soon.很多人抱有一个坚定的信念,那就是经济很快将开始好转。Their protests stiffened the spines of party activists.他们的抗议坚定了该党积极分子的信念。He thanked them for their strong support.他感谢他们的坚定支持。They are not backward in coming forward to claim their rights.在主张自己的权利方面,他们很坚定The opposition to her plan made her more determined than ever.她的计划遭到反对,这反而使她前所未有地更加坚定They all have the same unswerving aim.他们都有同样的坚定的目标。Gwen is a very determined woman.格温是位意志很坚定的女性。She had deep religious faith.她有坚定的宗教信仰。This attitude had stiffened as the Reformation had taken hold.随着宗教改革的兴起这种态度变得更为坚定起来。He is a committed egalitarian.他是一名坚定的平等主义者。He is a firm believer in democratic/representative government.坚定主张民主/代议制。You will only stiffen his resolve.你只会坚定他的决心。




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