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I'm just a humble receptionist.我只是个地位低微的接待员。A gentleman should always be civil, even to his inferiors.绅士应该始终彬彬有礼,即使对地位低的人也应如此。Though liberated in many respects, she will marry no man who is on a social level lower than her own.她虽然在许多方面思想解放,但她却不愿意跟一个比她社会地位低的男人结婚。Jenny's chatting up the barman again. She likes a bit of rough.珍妮又在和酒吧侍者搭讪了。她喜欢比她社会地位低的情人。Low-ranking male chimpanzees eat with the dominant females, who show no aggresssion towards them.地位低的雄性黑猩猩与地位占优势的雌性黑猩猩一起进食,后者没有表现出攻击性。The baron has some poor, low relations.男爵有几个地位低微的穷亲戚。 |