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词汇 在车站
例句 It's a great convenience living near the station.在车站附近极为方便。The bus disgorged its passengers at the station.公共汽车在车站下客。My new car was rear-ended while it was parked outside the station.我的新车停在车站外时,被别的车追尾了。There was a really strange man standing next to me at the train station.在车站有一个很古怪的男人站在我旁边。We found him waiting for us at the station.我们看到他在车站等我们。They hugged each other when they met at the station.他们在车站见面后互相拥抱。We found a photo booth on the station.我们在车站找到了一个自助快照亭。I was browsing through a magazine at the station bookstall when I noticed Susan.在车站的书摊上随意翻阅杂志时看到了苏珊。A suspect parcel was found at the station.在车站发现了一个可疑包裹。The flower seller was at his usual pitch outside the station.那个卖花人在车站外他平时的摊位上。Police corralled most of the demonstrators in a small area near the station.警方把大多数示威者控制在车站附近的一小片区域。The conductor kept the bus empty, leaving would-be riders standing at the stop.售票员让公共汽车空着,任由要想上车的乘客站在车站上。He was arrested for importuning a young boy outside the station.他因在车站外向一男孩卖春而被捕。My folks were waiting for me at the station.我父母在车站等着我。He saw his friend off at the bus station.在车站给朋友送行。Their son's at the school near the station.他们的儿子在车站附近的学校上学。Mama met me at the station.妈妈在车站接我。He was walking up and down the station platform.在车站月台上踱来踱去。A drunk in the station was haranguing passers-by.一名醉汉在车站大声训斥路人。We ate at some greasy spoon near the bus station.我们在车站附近一家廉价小饭馆吃了饭。Two ragged children stood outside the station, begging for money.两个衣衫褴褛的孩子站在车站外乞讨。The stolen car was found in the vicinity of the station.在车站附近发现了被盗汽车。I deposited my luggage in a locker at the station.我把行李存放在车站的储物柜里了。I hung around the station for an hour but he never came.在车站等了一小时,但他始终都没来。We crossed her path at the station yesterday.我们昨天在车站偶然碰到她。I finally managed to track down the book you wanted in a shop near the station.我终于在车站附近的一家店里找到了你想要的那本书。She waited at the station, half hoping that he would not show up.在车站等着,说不清自己是否希望他别露面。We're in the very modern-looking building opposite the station.我们在车站对面那座非常现代化的大楼里。I live on Station Road, just past the post office.我住在车站路,就在邮局过去一点。The bomb was planted in the station waiting room.炸弹被放置在车站的候车室内。Who do you think I knocked against at the station this morning?你猜今天早晨我在车站碰见谁了?Anne's house is slap bang next to the station.安妮的家就在车站隔壁。Students were handing out election leaflets at the station.学生在车站分发选举传单。They met us at the station.他们在车站接我们。He called her from the station.在车站给她打电话。They had left the luggage at the station.他们将行李留在车站You now have to pay to use the public toilets at the station.现在在车站用公共厕所必须付费。Taxis can pick up or set down passengers outside the station.出租车可以在车站外上客或下客。It's on the right, past the station.它在右边,在车站那头。I saw him down at the station this morning.我今天上午在车站附近看见过他。




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