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词汇 在监狱里
例句 He spent 10 years incarcerated in prison.在监狱里关了十年。The man is in prison tonight, awaiting extradition to Syria.此人今晚在监狱里,等待引渡到叙利亚。He languished in jail for twenty years.在监狱里苦苦熬了二十年。My boyfriend's been inside for a year.我的男友在监狱里已经一年了。He's spent most of his life behind bars.他一生中大部分时间是在监狱里度过的。Miller found religion in prison.米勒在监狱里突然信教了。The maltreatments I received in jail were too numerous to recount. Suffice it to say that we were not treated as humans.在监狱里受到的虐待数不胜数。这么说吧,他们不把我们当人对待。I've spent the last three years in jail. I tell you, I've paid for what I did.过去的三年我是在监狱里度过的。我告诉你,我已为自己所做的付出了代价。Small jealousies loomed large in prison.人与人之间那些小肚鸡肠的妒忌在监狱里会凸显出来。He received all kinds of inhumane treatment during his three-month stay in prison.在监狱里待了三个月,受尽了不人道的待遇。He told me the totality of his experience in prison.他给我讲了他在监狱里的全部经历。He heard she had become a reformed character whilst in prison.他听说她在监狱里彻底改变了自己。The panel ruled that the men must remain in prison.委员会裁定那些人必须留在监狱里He died in prison.他死在监狱里When you add it all up, he's spent over half of his life in jail.算起来他大半辈子是在监狱里度过的。In jail, he continued to deal and use drugs.在监狱里,他继续兜售和服用毒品。In prison you learned about other inmates and their crimes.在监狱里你认识了其他犯人,了解了他们的罪行。In a prison, drugs sometimes have to be used to control aggression.在监狱里,有时必须用药物来控制好斗情绪。By the time the case comes to trial, he will have spent a year in prison.到这个案件开庭审理时,他将已经在监狱里呆了一年了。Speaking for the prosecution, Lipscomb said that both men should go to prison for the rest of their lives.利普斯科姆代表控方称,那两名男子该在监狱里度过余生。That boy can stay in jail a few days to teach him a lesson.那个男孩可以在监狱里待几天,好给他个教训。He's being kept in jail until the trial so that he can't intimidate any of the witnesses.开庭审讯前他会被一直关在监狱里,这样他就无法恐吓证人了。In prison they'd taken away all his possessions.在监狱里,他们夺走了他所有的财物。He spent the rest of his life in prison.在监狱里度过了余生。The two young men spent 6 months in jail waiting to be executed.这两个年轻人在监狱里过了六个月等待被处死。He is an evil monster and should never be allowed out of prison.他是个恶魔,应该把他关在监狱里一辈子。Even in jail, my fellow inmates treated me with kindness.就算在监狱里,狱友们对我也很友善。In prison he enjoyed reading biographies of other mass murderers.在监狱里他爱读有关其他杀人如麻的刽子手的传记。Manson spent fifteen years in prison.曼森在监狱里呆了十五年。The two Irishmen were in prison for five years before they were found to be innocent.这两名爱尔兰人在监狱里待了五年之后才被判无罪。You get time to think in prison.在监狱里有时间反省。She's been told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison.她被告知自己的丈夫正在监狱里遭受虐待。He's a vicious criminal. I hope they put him away for the rest of his life.他是个十恶不赦的罪犯。我希望他在监狱里度过余生。Thousands of political prisoners remain imprisoned, frequently as a result of unfair trials.经常由于不公正的审判,成千上万名政治犯一直被关在监狱里




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