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词汇 在监狱
例句 Many spent decades in prison or in internal exile.许多人在监狱或国内流放中度过几十个年头。The paper claims to provide proof that some drug lords are doing business from their jail cells.这份报纸称他们可以提供一些大毒枭在监狱牢房里遥控生意的证据。He often dreamed of home from his prison cell.在监狱牢房里,他经常梦到家。Hangings took place outside the prison as a public spectacle.在监狱外执行绞刑是为了示众。The searchlight raked the open ground around the prison.探照灯在监狱周围的空地上来回扫射。Paul was doing time for burglary.保罗因入室盗窃罪在监狱服刑。The convicts undermined the prison wall and escaped.囚犯们在监狱墙下挖地道逃跑了。They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination.他们因参与这起刺杀已经开始在监狱服刑了。He was stuck in this hellhole of a jail.他被关在监狱这种鬼地方。They approved the erection of an electric fence around the prison.他们准许在监狱周围架设电铁丝网。The money spent on prisons could be better spent on training first-time law-breakers to earn an honest living.与其把钱花在监狱上,还不如用来培训初次犯罪者学习正当谋生的技能。The night before he was scheduled to be executed, the group held a candlelight vigil for him outside the prison. 在他行刑的前一天晚上,这群人在监狱外彻夜为他做烛光祈祷。The prisoners demanded the freedom to meet within the prison.犯人要求享有在监狱内会见访客的自由。He is being held in jail pending trial.他被关押在监狱等候审判。Prisoners who died were buried within the walls of the prison.死去的犯人就被葬在监狱的高墙之内。They live opposite the prison.他们住在监狱对面。Throughout his time in prison he had no contact with the outside world.在监狱期间,他与外界失去了联系。In prison they'd taken away his watch and everything he possessed.在监狱,他们把他的手表和其他一切东西都搜走了。Thousands of protesters stood in silence outside the prison gates.成千上万名抗议者静静地站在监狱大门外。Fernandez waits on Death Row, hoping for an eleventh-hour reprieve.费尔南德斯在监狱的死囚区里等待着,希望在最后一刻获得缓刑。Mark narrated the shocking details of his night in jail.马克讲述了他在监狱的那晚骇人听闻的种种细节。Prison officials are carrying out a full investigation after two prisoners escaped from a prison vehicle.两名囚犯藏在监狱车上逃脱后,监狱负责人正在进行彻底调查。One prisoner was still holding out on the roof of the jail.一名犯人仍在监狱的房顶上顽抗。After several years banged up in the nick, even you might start to go mad.在监狱关上几年后,就算是你,也可能会变疯的。She met Schmidt while serving time in prison for drug possession.她因藏毒在监狱服刑时遇见了施米特。Executions were carried out in the prison yard.死刑在监狱院子里执行了。




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