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词汇 在水面上
例句 The swan landed gracefully on the water.天鹅优雅地落在水面上A stick was floating on/in the water.一根棍子漂浮在水面上The bugs skated along the surface of the water.虫子在水面上滑行。A crude oil slick quickly spreads out over water.原油浮油很快便在水面上扩散开去。George struggled wildly, going under and resurfacing at regular intervals.乔治疯狂地挣扎,不断在水面上浮浮沉沉。Suddenly I could see it, low down over the water.我突然看到它了,就在水面上一点点。The breeze made small dimples on the water.微风在水面上荡起了小涟漪。Two alligators rest their snouts on the water's surface.两只鳄鱼的大嘴栖息在水面上She was floating on her back.她仰面漂浮在水面上He was half in the water and half out.他的身体一半在水中,一半露在水面上The sun was so dazzling that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water.阳光耀眼得甚至无法睁开眼看它在水面上的反光。We watched the seaplanes landing on the water.我们看着水上飞机降落在水面上The boat left a slick of oil on the water.汽艇在水面上留下一片浮油。They found the lifeboat floating upside down.他们发现那救生艇倒扣着漂浮在水面上The sun gleamed on the water.阳光照在水面上泛起粼粼波光。The float bobbed up and down on the water.鱼漂在水面上忽浮忽沉。The plane stitched back and forth over the water.飞机在水面上空不停地来回盘旋。If ice did not float, pond life would not survive the winter.如果冰不是漂浮在水面上的话,池塘的动植物将无法度过冬天。




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