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It happened about 5 o'clock in the morning.这事发生在早晨约莫五点钟的时候。She soon wilted in the morning heat.在早晨的热浪中她很快就蔫儿了。In the morning the suspect had flown the coop.嫌犯在早晨偷偷跑掉了。She made a mental note to call them in the morning.她心里记下要在早晨给他们打电话。In the morning and afternoon rush hours HOV restrictions are enforced.在早晨和下午的高峰时间,对车辆高乘载的规定被严格执行。The preferred method was to cut the grass early in the morning when it was still wet.最可取的方法是在早晨趁草仍潮湿的时候割草。Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the morning.这些植物每周浇两次水,最好是在早晨。The fog soon melted in the morning sun.在早晨的阳光下雾很快消散了。Jimmy's always full of pep in the morning.吉米在早晨的时候总是精神饱满。We all have mornings when we fantasize about storming out of the office.我们都想象过自己在早晨怒气冲冲地走出办公室的情景。They struck camp in the morning.他们在早晨撤营。Call us sometime in the morning/afternoon/evening.在早晨/下午/晩上的某个时间给我们打电话。You hear his dulcet tones on the Radio 1 trailers in the morning.你在早晨广播一台的新片预告节目中就能听到他悦耳的声音。 |