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例句 Mary has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants.玛丽承袭了向别人赠送植物的家族传统。The mechanic made/did a thorough inspection of the car. = The mechanic carried out a thorough inspection.机械师对汽车进行了一次彻底检查。Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a taxi driver.两名十几岁的少年对一名出租车司机进行了疯狂的攻击。He looked back over his shoulder then carried on running.他回头看了看,然后继续跑。He carried on pitching his fork into the hay.他继续把叉子插进干草里。She carried a battered old suitcase.她拎一个破旧的手提箱。There was disquiet about killings carried out by their proxies abroad.人们对他们在国外雇凶杀人感到不满。Parnell had for years carried on an affair with Katharine O'Shea.帕内尔与凯瑟琳·奥谢私通多年。My father carried me up the hill, piggyback.我父亲背我上了山。Rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.新型喷气式飞机正在进行严格的安全试验。They carried posies of sweet-smelling flowers to ward off the evil smells of the city.他们拿一束束香花去抵挡城市的臭气。Her talk carried small barbs directed at me.她话中隐隐带刺,是针对我说的。The work will be carried out in phases.这项工作将分阶段进行。It's not such a new idea, but I carried it to extremes.这不是什么新颖的想法,但我把它发挥到了极致。They carried out tests on the water.他们对水进行了多次化验。Molly carried her a little way towards the house.莫莉背着她朝房子的方向走了一小段路。Although the teacher spoke to them, they just carried on talking.尽管老师提醒了他们,他们还是讲个不停。They laughed and carried on like they were old friends.他们说笑打闹,像是老朋友似的。Inertia carried the train past the station.惯性使火车驶过了车站。This database will enable a more intensive study to be carried out.该数据库将使更深入细致的研究成为可能。He was carried off by pneumonia.他被肺炎夺去了生命。I did get a little carried away. I guess the excitement got the best of me. 我确实有点失态。我想是激动得忘乎所以了。It seemed an impossible task at times, but we carried on, regardless.这任务有时看起来好像不可能完成,但是不管怎样我们还是继续下去了。Some of them carried pikes with shrivelled heads on top.他们中一些人手持枪尖上挂着皱缩人头的长矛。He picked up a load of firewood and carried it into the house.他抱起一捆柴火搬到房子里去了。The assistant carried on talking.助理继续说下去。The wagons carried spare ammunition.大货车载着备用的弹药。I'm too heavy to be carried easily.我太重了,轻易背不动。Placards carried in the silent demonstration included one accusing the prime minister of appeasement.静默的示威队伍中有人举着一块标语牌,上面的内容是指责首相采取绥靖政策。Oxygen and other vital substances are all carried in the blood.氧气和其他重要物质都是通过血液输送的。He realized that he had carried the joke too far and hurt her feelings.他意识到这个玩笑开过了,伤害了她的感情。She carried her car keys on an ostentatious gold key ring.她把汽车钥匙挂在一个夸张的金钥匙圈上。The trial was carried live on a Chicago radio station.审判通过芝加哥广播电台现场直播。He carried his gun in plain sight.他把枪佩带在显眼的地方。Sarah carried her cup of coffee back to her desk.萨拉把咖啡端回到自己桌上。Lenin carried Marx's ideas a stage further by putting them into practice.列宁通过付诸实践发展了马克思的思想。They carried on working, under the eagle eye of the owner.他们在主人的严密注视下继续干活。A police pathologist carried out a post-mortem on the body.警方的病理学家对尸体进行了检验。The table bashed against the wall as they carried it into the kitchen.他们往厨房里搬桌子时,桌子撞到了墙上。He got out of the car, and carried on with his paper round.他下了汽车,继续带着文件四处拜访。




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