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词汇 poisonous
例句 Many poisonous animals have distinctive coloring that is easily recognized.许多有毒的动物颜色独特,易于识别。The berries are poisonous to birds.这些浆果鸟儿吃了会中毒。Catching poisonous snakes in the wild to milk them for venom is dangerous.在野外抓毒蛇获取毒液很危险。She lay awake half the night tormented by poisonous suspicions.她醒着躺了半宿,为各种卑鄙的猜疑所折磨。The lid prevents the escape of poisonous gases.这盖子可以防止毒气的泄漏。Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas.一氧化碳是有剧毒的气体。Watch out, those mushrooms could be poisonous!小心!那些蘑菇可能有毒!Some frogs exude a poisonous chemical from their skins.一些蛙类皮肤里会渗出一种有毒物质。The experiment went wrong when the chemicals combined to form a poisonous gas.化学物混合产生了一种有毒气体,于是这次试验失败了。Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption through the skin.一些有毒气体可以通过皮肤吸收进入体内。This mushroom looks harmless enough, but appearances can be deceptive and it is in fact very poisonous.这种蘑菇看上去无害,但是外表不一定可信,其实它毒性很大。Miners took canaries down the mine to detect poisonous gases.矿工们把金丝雀带到矿井下探测有毒气体。At this heat, all the poisonous chemicals are changed into safe compounds.在这个温度下,有毒的化学物质全部转变为安全的化合物。The explosion led to the widespread dispersal of a poisonous chemical into the atmosphere.爆炸导致一种有毒化学物质在大气中大面积扩散。The boy died after eating poisonous berries.那男孩子吃了有毒浆果之后死了。Some mushrooms are poisonous.有些蘑菇是有毒的。This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.此药大量服用是有害的。Carbon monoxide is a colourless, poisonous gas.一氧化碳是无色有毒的气体。There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.根本没有法规来确保香烟不含有毒物质。The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish.工厂把有毒的废料倒入河中,把鱼都杀死了。All parts of the yew tree are poisonous, including the berries.紫杉的各个部分都有毒,包括浆果。The rattlesnake's bite is poisonous.给响尾蛇咬一口是要中毒的。He was in a particularly poisonous mood last night.他昨晚心情特别坏。It is one of the most poisonous substances known to mankind.这是人类已知的毒性最强的物质之一。This species of spider is extremely poisonous.这种蜘蛛有剧毒。Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas, mostly produced by cars.一氧化碳是一种有剧毒的气体,主要由汽车产生。Arsenic is extremely poisonous, and a little dose of it is sufficient to render a person dead.砒霜很毒,一点点剂量就能致人死亡。Many of our rivers are full of poisonous chemicals.我们的许多河流中充满了有毒化学物。The weather was positively poisonous.这天气着实讨厌。Some paints contain lead, which can be poisonous.有些颜料含铅,有毒性。Some mushrooms are edible; some are poisonous.有些蘑菇可食用;有些则有毒。A handful of people die each year from mistakenly eating poisonous fungi.每年都有少数人因误食有毒真菌而送命。Can you tell the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties?你能说出有毒蘑菇和食用蘑菇之间的区别吗?The plant is poisonous to humans but will not harm deer.这种植物能使人中毒,但对鹿无害。He ate some poisonous mushrooms, with fatal consequences.他吃了些毒蘑菇,引起了致命的后果。Ten workmen breathed in poisonous gas.十名工人吸入了有毒气体。We're hoping that Europe will follow the US's lead and ban all use of these poisonous gases.我们希望欧洲会仿效美国,全面禁止使用这些毒气。The mushrooms are similar in appearance to poisonous one, so you have to be careful.这种蘑菇样子很像有毒蘑菇,所以你得小心。This was a poisonous attack on the church.这是对教会的恶毒攻击。That poisonous bastard Lucett told Morris I was seeing his wife.那个搬弄是非的坏蛋卢塞特告诉莫里斯我在和他的妻子约会。




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