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I like to go to bed early during the week.在工作日我希望早早上床睡觉。The office is open 9: 00 to 5: 00 on weekdays.办公室在工作日从九点到五点办公。London's more crowded during the week than at weekends.伦敦在工作日比周末更拥挤。Nightclubs are often fairly quiet on weeknights.夜总会在工作日的晚上经常没什么人。We're only open on weekdays.我们只在工作日开门。Telephone your order before noon on a weekday.在工作日的正午之前打电话订购。She is to host a new half-hour show that will be broadcast every weekday evening.她将主持一档新的半小时节目,在工作日晚间播出。 |