例句 |
We stopped at the top of the mountain to admire the view.我们在山顶上停下欣赏景色。Above the mountain, eagles circled in soundless flight.群鹰在山顶上方悄无声息地盘旋。We stood on the crest of the hill.我们站在山顶上。The climbers planted a flag on the summit.登山者在山顶上竖起一面旗帜。Just over the hill we saw a pond in the middle of the pines.就在山顶上我们看到松林间有一个小池塘。The sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills.太阳像个大火球,低低地挂在山顶上。Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the full extent of the forest.站在山顶上,你可以看到森林的全貌。We stood on the crest of the hill/mountain.我们站在山顶上。The stone buildings perch on a hill crest.那些石头房子座落在山顶上。We tented them on top of the hill.我们安排他们在山顶上的帐篷里宿营。People say that if you make a wish at the top of the hill, it always comes true.人们都说,如果你在山顶上许愿,愿望总能实现。The church is remotely situated high in the mountains.教堂孤零零地坐落在山顶上。They stood atop the mountain in triumph.他们站在山顶上庆祝胜利。 |