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词汇 踢球
例句 The essence of Arsenal's style of football was speed.阿森纳队踢球风格的精髓是强调速度。The children were kicking a ball around in the garden.孩子们正在花园里踢球玩。Darren has decided to give up football at the end of this season.戴伦决定本赛季结束后就不再踢球The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard.男孩子们正在院子里踢球I've twisted my ankle so I won't be able to play.我扭伤了脚踝,所以将无法踢球I want to play for a top club and I don't mind where it is.我想为顶级俱乐部踢球,至于在哪里踢无所谓。I went to kick the ball and I completely missed it.我去踢球却踢了个空。He felt the pain in his knee whenever he kicked a ball.每当他踢球的时候,他就觉得膝盖疼。He kicked the ball hard.他用力踢球Most children start out doing toe pokes, so we train them to use the side of their foot.大部分孩子开始的时候都用脚趾部位大力踢球,所以我们训练他们使用脚侧。Manchester United's chief scout spotted him when he was playing for his school team.他在校足球队踢球时,曼联队的首席球探就看上了他。This footballer wants a transfer to another team.这位足球运动员想转到另一个球队踢球If you're playing football in this rainy weather, you can count me out.这样的雨天你们假如要踢球,可别把我算在内。Billy was kicking a ball around the yard.比利在院子里踢球He basically has two options: he can have the surgery, or he can give up playing football.他大致有两种选择:要么动手术,要么放弃踢球He kicks the ball with precision and accuracy.踢球时准确无误,毫厘不差。When I first saw Gilbert play I marked him down as a future England player.我第一次看到吉尔伯特踢球就认定他将来会成为英格兰队球员。Don't kick the ball too hard.不要太用力地踢球He started off the season as both the kicker and punter.本赛季开始时他既是踢球手又是弃踢手。He was called for roughing the kicker/passer.他因为对踢球手/传球手动粗而被判罚。Beckham struck the ball with precision.贝克汉姆精确地大力踢球The two players are markedly different in their style of play.两个球员的踢球风格明显不同。He played on the Irish junior soccer team.他在爱尔兰少年足球队踢球Slater has enormous potential, and should soon be playing football for England.索尔特潜力很大,应该很快就能进入英格兰队踢球了。He suffered a back spasm while playing football.踢球的时候背部突然发生痉挛。I'm trying to rake up some people to play football on Saturday - do you want to come along?我正四处找人星期六踢球呢——你想去吗?The kids love to kick a ball against my wall.孩子们喜欢对着我的墙踢球The two boys were kicking a ball on the grass.两个男孩在草地上踢球Go and play football if you like, but don't get dirty!踢球就去吧,但不要搞得太脏 !He is a very good footballer; You ought to see him in action.他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球Dave pulled a back muscle and could barely kick the ball.戴夫背部拉伤,几乎没法踢球There's nothing better than having a kickabout in the park with your mates.没有比和伙伴们在公园里踢球更好玩的事了。




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