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词汇 在宴会上
例句 He started to feel sick at the banquet.在宴会上开始觉得恶心。We met at a reception.我们在宴会上相遇。We filled up on stodge at the banquet.我们在宴会上吃了很多饱腹的食物。He saw something ominous in the dinner party.在宴会上感觉到有什么不祥的事要发生。Please don't partner me up with Mr. Jones for the dinner.在宴会上请别让我与琼斯先生排在一起入席。He met an old schoolmate at the party.在宴会上遇见了一位老同学。Her new dress made a hit at the party.她的新衣在宴会上大出风头。We won't stay long; we'll just show the flag at dinner and then leave early.我们不会待多久的;我们只打算在宴会上露露面,然后就走。The king and queen always had minstrels play at their feasts.国王和王后总是要音乐家在宴会上表演。We met nobody new at the party.在宴会上我们没遇上生人。The absurdities he uttered at the dinner party landed his wife in an awkward situation.在宴会上讲的荒唐话使他太太陷入窘境。We don't need to stay long; we'll just show the flag at dinner and then get home early.我们不必待很久;我们只要在宴会上露露面,便可早些回家。A well-known singer gave a private performance at the party.一位著名歌手在宴会上作了非公开演出。We had a rare old time at the party.我们在宴会上过得快活极了。I met a childhood friend at the party.在宴会上我遇见一个儿时的朋友。He ushered at the banquet.在宴会上当引座员。I think it's wise to avoid such a highly contentious topic/issue at a dinner party.我认为在宴会上避开这样一个颇具争议的话题/问题是明智的。The richly figged out young woman stood out at the party.那位衣饰富丽的年轻女郎在宴会上引人注目。We hope you'll have a good time at the party.我们希望你们在宴会上玩得愉快。He appeared ill at ease at the party.在宴会上显得很拘谨。Didn't you meet some acquaintances in the dinner party?在宴会上遇到什么熟人了吗?I couldn't believe Simon had snubbed me at the party.我真不敢相信西蒙在宴会上竟对我不理不睬。




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