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词汇 在台上
例句 He really camped it up on stage.在台上的表演真夸张。We are on stage, and the world is watching.我们已在台上亮相,全世界都在瞩目观望。The cast all lined up on stage to take their bow.全体演员都在台上站成一排向观众鞠躬。Hendrix's stage presence appealed to thousands of teenage rebels.亨德里克斯在台上的风采吸引了成千上万的叛逆少年。He made a fool of himself, prancing around on stage like that.在台上那样趾高气扬地来回走,使自己出尽了洋相。On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising.在台上她显得强硬、自负且毫不妥协。The actors got along well both on and off the set. 这些演员无论在台上还是在台下都相处得很好。I've left my part on the stage.我把台词本遗忘在台上了。He deliberately tried to corpse me.他故意想让我在台上笑场。The acrobats tumbled over the stage.杂技演员们在台上翻跟头。We were standing onstage playing completely out of time.我们站在台上,完全不合节拍地演奏着。The argument happened on stage in full view of the audience.这场争论发生在台上,就在观众的眼皮底下。The vote of no confidence was the final humiliation for a government that had been clinging to office.不信任投票是对于死赖在台上的政府最大的羞辱。I watched him doing his stuff on the stage.我看着他在台上展示他的拿手活。Onstage, the musicians are actually sitting behind the loudspeakers.在台上,音乐家们实际上坐在扬声器后面演奏。Other theatre-goers complained Joan was on stage for just half an hour.其他剧院观众抱怨说,琼在台上只呆了半个小时。When I saw my brother on the stage I nearly fell off my chair.看到弟弟在台上,我差点没从椅子上掉下来。You must have been on stage until the final curtain.你肯定在台上一直呆到了演出结束。The thought of me on the stage seemed to amuse him.想到我在台上表演,他似乎觉得挺逗。Mansell stood on the podium and sprayed champagne into the air.曼塞尔站在台上把香槟喷向空中。I look exactly the same on- and offstage.在台上和台下看上去完全一样。The local worthies all sat on the platform.地方名流都坐在台上He manifested a pleasing personality on stage.在台上他表现出惹人喜爱的个性。The sound engineers were up on the stage doing mike checks.音响工程师在台上检查话筒。He acquitted himself adequately on stage.在台上表现得相当不错。The young actress froze up on the stage.这个年轻女演员在台上怯场了。You must speak loudly and clearly on the stage.在台上讲话时声音要响亮、清楚。The actors were poised on the stage, ready for the curtain to come up.演员们在台上摆好姿势,只等大幕开启。She spread pieces of bread on the counter and began buttering them.她把几片面包摆在台上,开始抹黄油。




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