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词汇 zoomed
例句 Brenda jumped in the car and zoomed off.布伦达跳上汽车疾驰而去。A police car zoomed past very close to them.一辆警车从他们身边疾驶而过。They got in the car and zoomed away.他们登上汽车疾驶而去。The camera zoomed out to show a child holding the flag.摄影机拉远,可见一个举着旗子的小孩。A fly zoomed about my head in narrowing circles.一只苍蝇在我头上嗡嗡打转,越飞越近。A police car zoomed by very close to them.一辆警车从他们身边擦身疾驰而过。The camera zoomed in on a picture above the fireplace.摄像机镜头拉近对准壁炉上方的一张图片。The camera zoomed in to his old, tired face.摄影机向他那苍老疲惫的脸推近。I zoomed in on her face to show her reaction.我把照相机镜头向她的脸部拉近,以便显示出她的反应。I stepped into my car and zoomed to town.我上了车,朝城里急驶而去。The TV cameras zoomed in.电视向前推进摄像机镜头。Housing sales have zoomed in recent months.最近几个月房产销售量猛增。The economy shrank and inflation zoomed.经济萎缩,通货膨胀加剧。A fire engine zoomed past us.一辆消防车从我们身边呼啸而过。We zoomed through the gallery.我们在画廊飞快地转了一圈。He zoomed through junctions without stopping and sped the wrong way down a one-way street.他停都不停地冲过交叉路口,然后错拐进了一条单行道逆向飞驰。The plane zoomed low over the airfield.这架飞机在机场的低空呼啸疾飞。The bikers zoomed off.摩托车手飞驰而去。The group of bicycle racers zoomed past.这群自行车赛车手飞速而过。After her first successful cases she zoomed to the top of her profession.在最初的几次成功经历之后,她迅速登上了职业生涯的顶峰。They got into the car and zoomed off.他们钻进汽车一溜烟地开走了。Henry immediately zoomed in on the weakest part of my argument.亨利马上注意到我论据中最薄弱的部分。The camera zoomed in on a cat stuck in the tree.摄影机拉近对准了困在树上的猫。House prices suddenly zoomed up last year.去年房价突然飙升。In the last few metres of the race, she suddenly zoomed ahead.到了比赛的最后几米,她突然冲到了前面。The economy shrank and inflation zoomed.经济萎缩,通货膨胀激增。The camera zoomed in on the child's face.摄影机将孩子的脸拉近了。The youth zoomed to college on an athletic scholarship.那青年获得了运动员奖学金,一下子进了大学。The president's popularity zoomed.总统的声望大增。The camera zoomed out to show a wider view of the scene.将照相机镜头推远,以便拍出更广阔的场景。The bikers zoomed off.摩托车手们风驰电掣般离去。The TV cameras zoomed in on the winner's face.电视摄像机镜头向获胜者的脸部推进。A red signal light zoomed to the sky.一枚红色信号腾空而起。The TV cameras zoomed in on him from behind.电视摄像机从背后对准他拉近。




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