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词汇 在公路上
例句 Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road.在公路上,行人、骑自行车的人和骑摩托车的人很容易受伤。The car was belting down/along the highway.那辆小汽车在公路上飞驰。The motor vehicle becomes an outlaw on the highways if operated without new registration.机动车辆未经重新注册在公路上开是非法的。Cars whooshed along the highway.汽车在公路上呼啸而过。The car pulled off and sped up the road.车开动起来,在公路上加快了速度。Our car broke down on the highway.我们的汽车在公路上抛锚了。Cars were flying past us on the highway.在公路上,汽车从我们身边疾驰而过。A car was bombing down the highway.一辆汽车在公路上飞驰。Some angry driver flipped me the finger on the highway this morning.今天早上在公路上,某个愤怒的司机对我竖起了中指。He passed the slower cars on the highway.在公路上超了几辆开得较慢的汽车。We tootled along the highway.我们在公路上悠然行驶。The coppers must have lamped them on the road.警察一定在公路上就监视他们了。Let's go for a belt down the highway.让我们开汽车在公路上兜兜风。I got pulled over twice last month because I was speeding on the highway.我上个月因为在公路上超速驾驶两次被警察拦下。The heavy-duty trucks were rutting the road.重型卡车在公路上留下车辙。We had a breakdown on the highway. 我们的车在公路上抛锚了。I hate getting stuck behind these slowpokes on the highway.我讨厌在公路上塞在这些慢吞吞的家伙后面。Cars whizzed by on the highway.汽车在公路上呼啸而过。The car streaked down the highway.汽车在公路上疾驶而去。Jogging on roads can damage your knees.在公路上慢跑会损害膝关节。One of my biggest pet peeves is people driving too slowly on the highway.我最厌烦的事情之一就是在公路上遇到别人开慢车。Police caught the bank robbers after a high-speed chase on the highway.警察在公路上高速驾车追捕,抓住了银行抢劫犯。You could feel the bumps and lurches as the bus moved down the highway.公共汽车在公路上行驶,你能感到路面的凹凸不平和汽车的颠簸。The car was careering down the road.汽车在公路上疾驰。We saw a motorcycle zigzagging on the highway.我们看见一辆摩托车忽左忽右地在公路上行驶。When driving on the highway, you need to make sure no one is in your blind spot before changing lanes.在公路上驾驶时,你必须先确保视线盲区里没人,然后再变换车道。I almost got into an accident with some lunatic on the highway.在公路上差点和某个笨蛋撞车。The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway.爆炸后飞溅出的炸弹碎片洞穿了拥堵在公路上的车辆车身。We drove by an appalling accident on the highway.我们在公路上行驶时经过了一个让人触目惊心的事故现场。Cars were zooming down the highway.汽车在公路上飞驰。It's a good job it happened here rather than on the open road.庆幸的是事故发生在这里而不是在公路上




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