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The interview will be shown on tonight's news.这则采访将在今晚的新闻中播出。The title game/match will be played tonight.总决赛将在今晚举行。The pastor selected a reading for tonight's service.牧师选了《圣经》的一节在今晚的仪式上诵读。His work is featured in a special documentary tonight.他的工作会在今晚的一个专题纪录片中报道。Paula and Rachael star as mother and daughter in the play, which opens tonight.葆拉和雷切尔在今晚首演的戏剧中饰演一对母女。Tonight's light show is the grand finale of a month-long series of events.为期一个月的系列活动在今晚的灯光表演中隆重谢幕。What price a reprieve for Scotland in tonight's final?在今晚的决赛中苏格兰队逃过一劫可能吗?I'll just keep plugging away and try to get it finished by tonight.我会一鼓作气争取在今晚就把它做完。He's guesting on tonight's show.他将在今晚演出中客串。The boats will put (out) to sea on this evening's high tide.船将在今晚涨潮时启航。Recorded highlights of the game will be shown later tonight.比赛的精彩录像片段将会在今晚晚些时候播出。We must make shift to finish this work tonight.我们必须赶紧在今晚完成这项工作。Tonight's game will pit Smith against Johnson for the championship. 在今晚的比赛中史密斯和约翰逊将争夺冠军。In tonight's programme we'll be discussing the pick of this month's new movies.在今晚的节目中我们将讨论本月的最佳新片。Rice hopes to break the record during tonight's game, but he'll have his work cut out for him.赖斯希望在今晚的比赛中打破纪录,但他得全力以赴。The hurricane will reach the island this evening. Meanwhile, residents are being evacuated.飓风将在今晚登陆该岛。在此之前,居民将被疏散。There are several items/issues/things on the agenda for tonight's meeting.在今晚会议的待议事项清单上有好几个事项。The match was rained off on Saturday and arranged for tonight.星期六的比赛因天雨延期,改在今晚举行。He will announce tonight that he is resigning.他将在今晚宣布辞职。The new president assumes office at midnight tonight.新总统在今晚午夜就职。Belgium and Italy are playing in tonight's qualifier.比利时队和意大利队将在今晚的预赛中相遇。Germany are playing against Brazil in the cup final tonight.德国队在今晚的决赛中对阵巴西队。The group will be performing live on tonight's show.该组合将在今晚的节目中进行现场表演。In tonight's show we hear Chris Toole in conversation with the artist Mary Withers.在今晚的节目中,我们将听到克里斯・图尔博士和艺术家玛丽・威瑟斯的谈话。You will all be given a chance to say your piece at the meeting tonight.你们将有机会在今晚的会议上畅所欲言。He'll be acting the part of Romeo in tonight's play.在今晚的剧中他将扮演罗密欧的角色。England has to win tonight's qualifying match to advance to the next round of the competition.英格兰队必须在今晚的资格赛中获胜才能进入下一轮比赛。He's appearing at a local folk festival tonight.他将在今晚出席当地的民俗节日活动。I scored two goals at hockey practice tonight.我在今晚的曲棍球练习赛中进了两球。The investiture of the new president will take place this evening.新任总统的授权仪式将在今晚举行。 |