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词汇 在今天
例句 She will fire the pots later today.她将在今天晚些时候烧制这些罐子。The Prime Minister was speaking ahead of today's meeting.首相在今天的会议召开之前发表讲话。In today's review section Anthony Edwards, playwright, poet, novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his glittering career.在今天的评论栏目中,安东尼‧爱德华兹——著名的剧作家、诗人、小说家和语言大师——将为我们讲述他光辉的事业。The last of the tests was held today.最后一场考试在今天举行。I'm going to get my head down and try and finish this report before I go home today.我将全力以赴,争取在今天回家前完成这份报告。The jury is expected to deliver a verdict later today.陪审团有望在今天晚些时候宣布裁决。They ran/published a correction in today's paper. 他们在今天的报纸上刊登了一条更正信息。Stocks fell several points in early trading today.股票在今天的早期交易中跌了几个点。The law was finally enacted today.这部法律终于在今天通过了。Engineers will inspect the site later today.工程师们会在今天晚些时候来检查工地。The promise of permanent employment is almost nonexistent today.终身聘任的可能性在今天几乎是不存在的。Nowadays a good headhunter is as important as good staff.在今天的社会,好的物色人才的人和好的员工一样重要。He got the days mixed up and thought the meeting was today.他把日期弄混了,以为会议是在今天The transfer is expected to go through by today's noon deadline.转账被要求在今天中午的最后期限之前完成。These were the first railways, the first means of crossing wide open spaces that are still vast and untamed, even today.这些是最早的铁路,荒漠的土地上最早的交通工具,而这些土地甚至在今天依然广袤如初,荒无人烟。If the weather relents, the game will be finished today.如果天气转好的话,比赛将在今天结束。Gunmen killed two people and wounded six others in an attack today.在今天的袭击中,枪手打死了两人,打伤了六人。Angola's ruling party was due to get down to brass tacks today with a debate on the party's record.安哥拉执政党预定在今天就有关该党执政记录的问题进行实质性讨论。The incident happened early this morning before most people were awake.这次事件发生在今天清晨,大多数人还没醒来。Fast food has come in for further criticism in a report published today.在今天刊登的一篇报道中,快餐遭到进一步的批评。He had three receptions in today's game.在今天的比赛中他接到了三次前传球。Cotton rebounded from declines early in the day to end at a higher price.棉花价格在今天较早时下跌之后反弹收高。Was the notice in today's mail?这份通知在今天的邮件中吗?The Prime Minister was speaking ahead of today's meeting.首相在今天的会议开始之前作了发言。The decision had been agreed in principle before today's meeting, but some controversy surrounded it.该决定在今天的会议之前就已达成原则上的共识,但围绕这一决定还存在一些争议。The request is published in notices in today's national newspapers.这一请求刊登在今天全国各大报纸的启事栏里。The Prime Minister is expected to announce details of a government reshuffle later today.预计首相会在今天晚些时候宣布政府改组的细节。What I'm going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific.在今天的讲座中将主要探讨一些非常具体的问题。The England World Cup squad was named today.英格兰队出征世界杯的大名单在今天确定了。She died in the very early hours of this morning.在今天凌晨去世。This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today.这一报告可能会在今天开市后刺激一些人买进玉米期货。His picture is in today's paper.他的照片刊登在今天的报纸上。The House is getting ready for some contentious debate today on civil-rights legislation.下议院已经准备好就公民权利立法中的争议性问题在今天展开辩论。Roger made some brilliant catches at today's game.罗杰在今天比赛中接了几个漂亮球。The forecast is for the hot weather to break today.天气预报说炎热的天气将在今天发生骤变。I saw an item in today's paper about the mayor's campaign plans.在今天的报纸上看到一则关于市长竞选计划的消息。Even today a man who stays at home to take care of the children is regarded as something of an oddity.即便在今天,人们仍然认为一个大男人呆在家里照看小孩是件怪事。For the sixth consecutive year, Oxford defeated Cambridge today in the annual boat race.在今天举行的一年一度的划船比赛中,牛津大学连续第六年击败了剑桥大学。He has been given until noon today to turn himself in to authorities.他被要求在今天中午前向当局投案自首。Kevin gave a good account of himself in today's game.凯文在今天的比赛中表现出色。




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