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词汇 圆滑
例句 Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman.不知为什么这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。This is a situation that calls for tactful diplomacy.这种情况需要的是圆滑的手腕。He gave a very diplomatic reply.他答复得很圆滑We need to find a diplomatic way to say no.我们需要用一种委婉圆滑的方式去拒绝。Did you say "tact"? The word isn't in his vocabulary!你说的是“圆滑”?他的字典中可没有这个词!She is a polished, sophisticated woman.她是个圆滑世故的女人。The declaration was carefully/cleverly/tactfully, etc. phrased.宣言措词谨慎/巧妙/圆滑等。No amount of slick presentation can disguise the gap between what the government promised and what it has delivered.任何圆滑的说辞都不能掩盖政府的承诺和兑现情况之间的差距。She would always smooth over problems with great tact and diplomacy.她总是能用技巧圆滑地解决难题。I don't like him. He's a bit too smooth.我不喜欢他。他有点过于圆滑了。His criticism was couched in very tactful language.他的批评措辞很圆滑He was groping for a tactful way to break the news.他想要用圆滑得体的方式说出实情。Diplomatically, he refrained from mentioning the divorce.他很圆滑,避而不谈离婚的事。Don't let his smooth manner fool you - he's just after your money.不要被他圆滑的外表骗了—他只是看中你的钱罢了。He was extremely diplomatic over the phone.他在电话里极其圆滑老练。Any system of taxation lends itself to manipulation by clever or unscrupulous men.任何税收制度都会被圆滑或无耻之徒钻空子。The tone of his language was diplomatic and polite.他讲话圆滑得体,有礼有节。Robson was trying to be as diplomatic as possible - he didn't want to risk losing a promotion.罗布森说话办事尽量圆滑—他不想冒险失去升职的机会。She's always ready with a glib excuse.她老是有圆滑的借口。He's a real smooth talker. 他说话很圆滑She's a smooth operator. 她是个精明圆滑的人。He was a smart operator. Don't underestimate him.他这个人精明圆滑,可别小瞧了他。He sometimes lacked diplomacy.他有时不够圆滑His excuse was suspiciously neat.他的托词圆滑,令人生疑。Smooth and charming, Francis was the kind of man your mother would love you to marry.弗朗西斯又圆滑又迷人,他是你母亲希望的能成为你丈夫的那种男子。Tom showed diplomacy in being very helpful at home the day he wanted to use the car.汤姆在想用汽车的那一天帮助家里做了不少事,显得很圆滑Roy is often a social lubricant.罗伊在社交场合常表现得圆滑悦人。I don't trust her. She's too slick.我不信任她。她过于圆滑William is not of this smooth make.威廉不是这种圆滑伶俐的人。




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