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词汇 图片
例句 The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.这些图片清楚有力地展现了火山的巨大威力。You navigate this site by clicking on the pictures.点击这些图片,你就可以浏览这家网站。They doctored the prints to make her look younger.他们窜改了图片,使她看起来年轻了。The picture shows a front view of the car.图片展示了汽车的正面。He explained the journey visually by use of pictures.他运用图片形象地讲述了这次旅行。The UFO picture was proved to be a fraud.不明飞行物图片被证实系伪造。The text is aligned with the bottom of the picture.正文与图片底部对齐。Paper clips held the picture in place.回形针把图片固定住了。Digital cameras can tag images with useful metadata.数码相机能够在图片上加上有用的元数据。This picture shows the view from a car using normal dipped lights.这幅图片显示的是从一辆使用正常近光灯的汽车上所看到的景色。Hold the picture up so we can see it.图片举高好让我们看到。Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.图片被扫描成一种电脑可以识别的数字信息形式。The book is filled with obscene pictures.这本书充满了淫秽图片The full horror of the war only hit home when we started seeing the television pictures of it in our living rooms.在家中客厅里看到电视上的图片后,我们才充分意识到这场战争有多恐怖。She covered her walls with pictures of movie stars.她用电影明星的图片贴满了墙壁。Make sure the pictures are secure.确定图片钉牢固了。Pictures of the distant planet were beamed back to the Earth.那颗遥远行星的图片被传回到地球。We have a policy against printing vulgarities in our magazine.我们有规定,不准在杂志上刊登下流的图片Illustrations by courtesy of the National Gallery.图片由国家美术馆提供。It is the picture itself that is the problem; so small, so dull. It's a nothing, really.问题在图片本身;这么小,这么无趣。没什么价值,真的。The text is finished, but the pictures will have to be pasted in later.文字完成了,但之后还得把图片贴上去。Every space on the walls is covered with pictures.墙上的每个地方都贴满了图片The pictures are numbered and arranged in serial order.这些图片是按顺序编号排列的。She was leafing through the magazine, looking at the pictures.她在翻阅杂志,看里面的图片Over a hundred diagrams, tables and pictures illustrate the book.这本书有一百多幅图表、表格和图片The caption misnamed the person in the picture.解说词把图片上这个人的名字弄错了。The chief scientist manipulated his computer controls to fast-forward the satellite photos.首席科学家用控制键快进卫星图片Many people have complained that they found the pictures distasteful.许多人抱怨这些图片令人反感。The pictures showed cracks and other irregularities in otherwise perfectly regular crystals.这些图片表明:除了一些裂缝及凹凸不平之处,这些等轴晶系晶体无可挑剔。The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures.这位教师用图片来讲解课文。The software, designed for children, has good graphics and animation that doesn't overwhelm the content.这种专为儿童设计的软件有高质量的图片和动画,对内容而言却并不喧宾夺主。Microdot cameras produce images so small that they can be hidden in the full stop of this sentence.微点相机可以把图片制得极小,可以藏在标点句号里。Align the images on a lightbox so they marry up.把灯箱上的图片排列好以互相匹配。The book has a lot of pictures.书里有很多图片It contained simple pictures and diagrams.这包括简单的图片和图表。I picked up a copy of Life magazine, and what should I find in it but a half page picture of the house.我拿起一本《生活》杂志,除了半数页面都是房屋图片外,就没什么了。The programme successfully interweaves words and pictures.节目成功地把语言和图片结合了起来。Volunteers' brains were scanned while they looked at the pictures.当自愿者观察这个图片时,他们的大脑被扫描。Each illustration is displayed as a complete screen image.每一幅图片都是全屏显示。The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures.目的在于不要用常见的无聊图片占用宝贵时间。




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