例句 |
He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.他曾因恐吓他人而令人闻风丧胆。His voice was husky with dread.他的嗓音因恐惧而变沙哑。They have been arrested for acts of terrorism.他们因恐怖主义活动被捕。He was still trembling in fear.他仍然因恐惧而颤抖。Her knees were knocking together in fear and trepidation.他因恐惧和胆怯双膝不停地互碰着。She refused to be panicked into a hasty marriage.她不愿因恐慌而仓促结婚。She was trembling from terror and excitement.她因恐惧和兴奋而颤抖。Fear blanched her lips.她因恐惧而嘴唇煞白。The boy's blue eyes were walling with fear.男孩因恐惧转动着蓝眼睛。 |