例句 |
He savoured his success.他回味自己的成就。The medicine had a bitter aftertaste.这种药的回味发苦。He savored his success.他回味自己的成就。He savored the memories of his vacation.他细细回味假期的美好记忆。The whole experience has really left a sour taste in my mouth.这次经历给我留下酸涩的回味。She relishes the memory of that adventure.她常在记忆中回味那次奇遇。Afterwards she relived every moment in her head.后来她在脑中回味了每个瞬间。I'm not very keen on this wine. It has a nasty aftertaste.我对这种葡萄酒不是很感兴趣,它的回味很差。 |