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词汇 garlic
例句 The salad tastes of garlic.这道沙拉有蒜味。If you eat garlic, have some parsley afterwards to keep your breath fresh.吃过大蒜以后再吃点欧芹可以保持口气清新。Add the crushed garlic and remaining diced vegetables.加入捣碎的大蒜和剩余的蔬菜丁。Heat the oil and garlic in a large saucepan.在大平底锅里把油和大蒜加热。A clove of garlic a day? Phew, that'll make your breath pong a bit.一天一瓣蒜?唷,那样的话你呼出的气会有点臭。What would you like for a starter - soup or garlic mushrooms?第一道菜你想要什么—汤还是蒜头蘑菇?First, fry the garlic. Next, add the ginger.先炒一下大蒜,再加生姜。We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread.我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包。Cook pieces of succulent chicken with ample garlic and a little sherry.烹饪鲜美滑嫩的鸡肉时多加些大蒜,并滴入少许雪利酒。The ancient Chinese claimed that garlic promoted longevity.中国古人说蒜能延寿。A unique property of garlic is its strong odor.大蒜独有的特性就是其强烈的气味。She said there was garlic in the sauce, but I couldn't really taste it.她说酱汁里有大蒜,可是我一点都没吃出来。The fat man opposite was breathing garlic all over me.对面的那个胖男人满口大蒜味,喷了我一身。When Ken Hom wrote his first book for the BBC he was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes.当肯·霍姆为英国广播公司写第一本书的时候,他被要求在菜谱里少用些香料和大蒜。Cook pieces of succulent chicken with garlic and a little sherry.佐以大蒜和少许雪莉酒,烹饪鲜美嫩滑的鸡肉。This sauce is flavoured with garlic and herbs.这种酱加了大蒜和芳草调味。Her breath smelled of garlic.她的嘴里有大蒜味。This is a good way to peel garlic.这个办法剥大蒜很好。The pasta sauce was heavily dosed with garlic. 意大利面酱中加了很多大蒜。Can you taste the garlic in the sauce?你尝得出调味汁里有大蒜味来吗?The flavour of garlic is disagreeable to the English palate.大蒜不适合英格兰人的口味。The garlic press uses a screw mechanism to squeeze out juice and pulp.榨蒜器用一个螺旋装置榨出蒜汁和蒜肉。Make a small slit in each chicken breast and push in a piece of garlic.在每块鸡胸上切个小口,塞进一瓣蒜。His breath smells like garlic. = He has garlic breath.他呼出的气有股蒜味。Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a chopped clove of garlic and some black pepper in a heavy saucepan.将几勺橄榄油、一片切碎的蒜瓣和一些黑胡椒粉放入深平底锅里加热。Pour the garlic sauce over the hot chicken pieces.将蒜蓉酱汁倒在热鸡块上。Eating garlic can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood.吃大蒜可以大大减少血液中的胆固醇。Leave each garlic clove in its papery skin.每瓣蒜外面的薄皮都要留着。Fry the garlic, being careful not to let it burn.煎一下大蒜,小心别煎焦。Rub the bowl with garlic before adding the breadcrumbs.先用大蒜擦擦碗,然后再加入面包屑。This dish is flavoured with basil and garlic.这道菜用了罗勒和大蒜调味。I ruined the sauce by adding too much garlic.我放了太多大蒜,把酱汁做砸了。Chop the onion and crush the garlic.把洋葱切碎并压碎蒜头。You add either one or two cloves of garlic.你加入一两瓣大蒜。John doesn't like garlic.约翰不喜欢吃大蒜。Add only a smell of garlic, please.请加一点点大蒜。He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.他同时也对大蒜的医学功效深信不疑。Arrange the peppers, garlic and tomatoes in layers.把辣椒、蒜和番茄一层一层码好。Peel and crush the garlic.把蒜剥皮并捣碎。She layered the aubergine slices with tomatoes, garlic, and parsley.她把西红柿、大蒜和西芹做的馅料分层加进茄子的切片中。




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