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词汇 嘴上
例句 The company makes noises but is careful in enforcing this rule.公司领导嘴上讲得很多,可执行这条规定时却很慎重。He had the freshly lit cigarette between his lips.嘴上叼着一支刚点燃的烟。His mouth was all puffed up where he had taken a rifle butt.他的嘴上挨了枪托的地方都肿了起来。He has declared support for women, but his actions have indicated otherwise.嘴上声称支持妇女,但其行为却正相反。He likes to talk tough, but he's really a sweetheart inside.嘴上强硬,但其实内心很柔软。Her mouth was splodged with strawberry juice.嘴上沾着草莓汁。She whacked him in the mouth.她猛地一拳打在他的嘴上There was blood, not yet congealed, on his mouth.嘴上有血,那是还没有凝结的鲜血。He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes.嘴上还在叫嚷着,但眼里却流露出恐慌。My mouth was tender and swollen where he had hit me.嘴上被他打过的地方一碰就痛,还肿了起来。This story has many ingredients which make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.这篇报道包含了众多元素,任何一个新闻编辑都会激动得嘴上唾沫横飞。Wipe the jam off my mouth, will you?你帮忙把我嘴上的果酱擦掉,好吗?She kissed me hard on the mouth.她在我嘴上用力亲了一口。They teased her mercilessly with remarks about her weight.他们嘲笑她肥胖,嘴上一点儿也不留情。His mouth set into a rather grim line.嘴上摆出一副严肃的样子。She opened her handbag, lipsticked her mouth, and went home.她打开手提包,往嘴上搽点口红,然后回家了。She punched him right in the kisser.她一拳正好打在他嘴上He socked Brady in the mouth.他狠狠地打在布雷迪的嘴上




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