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词汇 喜好
例句 Readers vote with their wallets every day when they choose a newspaper.读者每天在选择报纸时,就是在用钱包表达他们的喜好The decorations were a little too fancy for my tastes.这种装饰风格过于繁复,不合我的喜好She had been a great star once, but the fickle public now ignored her movies.她以前是位大明星,但喜好无常的公众现在已经不看她的影片了。Some people like small cars and some people like big cars. It's a matter of personal preference.有人喜欢小车,有人喜欢大车,这是个人喜好问题。Personal preference naturally varies.个人的偏爱喜好自然各不相同。She is a devotee of Italian cooking.喜好意大利烹饪。In a survey of customer preference, one model came consistently out on top.在顾客喜好调查中,有一个型号一直胜出。Whether you like the music or not is purely a matter of taste. 你是否喜欢这段音乐只是个人喜好问题。Braka's house is a testament to his Gothic tastes.布拉卡的房子是他喜好哥特风的一个证明。We know their tastes and preferences.我们了解他们的口味和喜好She was happy to arrange her schedule to suit their preferences.她很高兴安排自己的日程以适应他们的喜好Braka's house, just off Sloane Square, is a testament to his Gothic tastes.布拉卡那幢紧靠斯隆广场的房子是他喜好哥特式建筑的一个证据。Parents of either sex should beware of imposing their own tastes on their children.父母双方都应切记不要把自己的喜好强加给孩子。He studied chemistry in preference to physics at university.出于喜好,他大学里学的是化学而非物理。When it comes to music, everyone has their own preferences.说到音乐,每人都有自己的喜好He makes the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.他表述了一个无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都掺杂着社会因素。Modern art is an acquired taste.现代艺术是一种后天养成的喜好The book inevitably mirrors my own interests and experiences.这本书不可避免地反映出我个人的喜好与经历。She has a distinct affinity for music.她对音乐有一种特别的喜好The company also offers a bespoke service of whatever combination you like.该公司还可根据您的组合喜好提供定制服务。His interior designer had a taste for the macabre.他的室内装饰师喜好阴森恐怖的东西。I travel by plane, for preference.我乘飞机旅行,个人喜好He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.他要表述一个无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都掺杂着社会因素。Every child is unique, with their own needs, preferences and talents.每个孩子都是独特的,有自己的需要、喜好和才能。My brother and I are two peas in a pod. We both like the same things.我和哥哥志趣相投,有着相同的喜好Choosing a new car is a matter of personal preference.新轿车的选择是个人的喜好问题。Now I give my sensual race the rein.喜好声色的本性我如今加以克制。Oil or vinegar may be added for a more bland or sharp sauce, according to your preference.为了让调味汁口味更淡或更浓可以加点油或醋,全随你的喜好The accusation of elitism seems unfair as the festival presents a wide range of music, with something to please everyone.对于音乐节曲高和寡的指责似乎有失公正,因为它提供了丰富多样的音乐满足不同听众的喜好When the book was published, the energy and explicitness caught the popular imagination.这本书出版后,它的活力和毫不隐讳迎合了公众的喜好He'll cook it how you like it.他会按照你的喜好烹调。The film panders to the popular taste for violence in entertainment.电影迎合了娱乐圈中流行的对暴力的喜好The store has something to suit all tastes.这家商店可以满足顾客的各种喜好Most hoarders have favorite hiding places.多数喜好聚藏东西的人都有自己最喜欢的贮藏处。Our research enables companies to customize and tailor products to suit individual tastes.我们的研究使诸公司有能力按照个人的喜好定制各式产品。The king meted out justice as he saw fit.是非全由国王喜好决定。When you have finished your list of personal preferences, go through it again.等你列出个人喜好的单子后,从头到尾再看一遍。This plant likes dry soil.这种植物喜好干燥的土壤。This is just my personal opinion/preference.这只是我个人观点/喜好The results of the survey were used to estimate the preferences of the population at large.调查结果已用于估计公众的大致喜好




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