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词汇 喇叭
例句 People clotted around loudspeakers.人们聚集在扩音喇叭周围。He gave a short blast on his trumpet.他猛吹了一下喇叭Loudspeakers blared militant songs.喇叭里高声放着激昂的歌曲。Cars hooted noisily as they passed our house.车辆大声鸣着喇叭驶过我们的房子。Several drivers honked their horns.几个司机摁了喇叭The main orchestral brass instruments are the horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba.管弦乐队中主要的铜管乐器包括喇叭、小号、长号和大号。The taxi driver was waiting out front, leaning on the horn.出租车司机一边在前面等着,一边用力按着喇叭The driver gave me a wave and a toot.司机冲我挥挥手,按了下喇叭Traffic piled up, and horns bleated impatiently.车辆挤作一堆,喇叭不耐烦地鸣叫着。They came in racing and blatting cars.他们乘着几辆鸣着喇叭的汽车飞驶而来。The drivers tooted as they went past.司机经过时把喇叭按得嘟嘟响。He blew three blasts on the trumpet.他吹了三声喇叭Horns were blown and trumpets were braying.号角吹响,喇叭嘟嘟。All the other drivers were tooting their horns and yelling at me to move my car.其他司机都按着喇叭,大声叫嚷着要我把车开走。He's playing his damn trumpet.他在吹他可恶的喇叭Christmas songs blared from loudspeakers.响亮的圣诞歌曲声从喇叭里传了出来。The wind turned my umbrella inside out.风把我的伞吹成了喇叭The driver in the car behind me blew/honked his horn.我身后的汽车司机摁着喇叭A truck went by and blew its horn at her.一辆卡车驶过,对着她按响了喇叭Rock music blared through the store from the loudspeakers.喇叭里传出的摇滚乐响彻整个商店。Several horns honked impatiently.好几个喇叭不耐烦地响了起来。Passing motorists honked their horns.路过的司机都按响了喇叭The trumpet/whistle blew loudly.喇叭/哨子响声很大。We can infer that if the battery is dead, the horn will not sound.我们可以推断,如果电池用完了,喇叭也就不会响了。A car passed him at top speed, sounding its horn.那辆车鸣著喇叭,全速从他身边驶过。An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn.我后面的一个司机不耐烦了,按响了喇叭She pulled to the right with a honk.她按了一下喇叭,把车开到右边停下。She gave the horn a toot. 她鸣响了喇叭The driver tooted his horn angrily.男司机愤怒地摁喇叭The fabric belled in where the wind struck it.布料有的地方因为风吹而变成喇叭状的了。He beeped the horn.他鸣了一下喇叭The horn died on us, so we'd better fix it up.喇叭是在我们手里坏的,所以最好还是由我们把它修好。Loudspeakers blared rock music through the store.喇叭里传出的摇滚乐响彻整个商店。A motor car passed him at top speed, sounding its horn.一辆汽车鸣着喇叭高速驶过他身旁。It was difficult to make out what was said over the loudspeaker in the square.很难听清楚广场上的扩音喇叭里在说什么。He made an announcement over/on the loudspeaker. = He made an announcement using the loudspeaker.他通过喇叭发布了一则通告。She beeped at me first.她先冲我按的喇叭How far apart should the speakers be?两个喇叭应相距多远?He pressed the horn to alert the guards.他按下喇叭,向卫兵示意。Music boomed out from loudspeakers.喇叭中传出低沉的音乐声。




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