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词汇 善恶
例句 There's always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.他的戏剧中总是有善恶之间的斗争。I think I'm more aware now of some spiritual things and I do believe in good and evil.我觉得我现在更加注重精神生活,而且我真的相信善恶报应。Can't you tell vice from virtue?难道你不能辨别善恶吗? We need to teach our children the difference between good and bad.我们要教会孩子区分善恶The film presents a straightforward choice between good and evil, with no shades of grey.这部电影在善恶之间的选择问题上泾渭分明,没有半点模棱两可的地方。Her essay discusses the dichotomy between good and evil in the author's novels.她的文章讨论了这位作家的小说里善恶的对立。




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