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Business confidence was undermined by a series of major failures.商界信心因一系列重大挫折而动摇。The business community regarded the measures as a betrayal of election promises.商界认为这些措施有违竞选承诺。They thought the whole thing was a sideshow, tangential to the real world of business.他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲,和真正的商界没有多大关系。Our goal is to prepare students to go into the business world with confidence.我们的目标是让学生做好准备,满怀信心地进入商界。Business leaders claim that the strong pound is choking exports.商界领袖宣称坚挺的英镑正在阻碍出口。There's a great talent pool in the business community.商界里面有巨大的人才库。The aim is to inculcate business people with an appreciation of different cultures.其目的是教导商界管理人员逐渐学会欣赏不同的文化。If women want to take on the business world they are welcome to it as far as I'm concerned.就我而言,如果女人们想进军商界的话,就让她们去好了。The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.公众施加了压力,商界正逐步改善自己的行为。Make friends with him. He is a big-time businessman.和他套套交情。他是商界要人。The king's indulgence towards his sons angered the business community.国王对儿子们的纵容激怒了商界。His father set him up in business.他的父亲资助他进入商界。Surely the local business community could have rallied to raise the cash.当然,当地的商界是可以联合起来筹集这笔款项的。What the business community wants is an end to the recession.商界希望的就是经济衰退结束。The business community has lost confidence in the government.商界已经对政府失去了信心。The business world continues to trivialize the world's environmental problems.商界继续对世界环境问题轻描淡写。The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.该党的目标是吸引商界和专业社群的选票,因为这两个群体都希望加快政治改革的步伐。The author points to recent cases of fraud as evidence of the lack of morals in the business world.作者以最近发生的一些诈骗案作为证据指出商界的道德缺失。The response from local businesses has been muted.当地商界的反应一直不明确。Scientists, business people, and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening.星期一的正式开幕式上,科学家、商界人士和其他各色人等齐聚一堂。They thought the whole thing was a side-show, tangential to the real world of business.他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲,和真正的商界没有多大关系。Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy-making.商界人士对变化无常的经济决策很是恼火。He has become a name to conjure with in the business world.他已成为商界巨头。This news has come as a disappointment to local business leaders.对当地的商界领袖来说,这个消息令人失望。There have been several changes on the business scene.商界发生了几场变化。Lewis recently spoke at a conference of women business leaders.刘易斯最近在一次女性商界领袖讨论会上作了讲话。The business world was shaken by the huge drop in dotcom shares.商界因互联网公司股票价格猛跌而受到震动。Students are encouraged to learn standard English because this is what they will need to know in the business world.学生被鼓励学习标准英语,因为标准英语是他们进入商界所需要掌握的。It seems anyone who's anyone in business is going to the conference.似乎商界所有重要人物都将参加那个会议。The President's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business.总统的讲话被视为对商界的安抚性姿态,受到了欢迎。His pitch to the business community was based on common sense.他对商界的推销是以常识为基础的。The event was unique in bringing together politicians, business leaders, and academics.这个活动使政治家、商界领袖和学者聚集到一起,实属难得。The government will introduce accelerated tax deduction for environment-friendly facilities in an effort to encourage the business community to use them.为鼓励商界使用环保设施,政府将为该些设施提供加快的税务扣除。Mr. Wilson became the newest business sensation in town.威尔逊先生成了镇上最近轰动一时的商界人士。Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world.商界中刚起步的小企业非常脆弱。Business leaders gave an enthusiastic welcome to the proposal.商界领袖热烈欢迎这项提议。They upgraded the hotel to attract more business patrons.他们升级改造酒店以吸引更多的商界客户。The day before announcing his farewell to business, Sir James talked to me in his extravagantly elegant Paris home.在宣布退出商界的前一天,詹姆斯爵士在他位于巴黎的极为雅致的家中和我谈了话。The business world is a duller place for his passing.他的逝世给商界蒙上了一层灰暗。Local businesses are well represented on the committee.委员会中有足够的当地商界代表。 |