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词汇 哪位
例句 Of what poet were you speaking?你们在谈哪位诗人? She writes with such economy - I've never known a writer say so much in so few words.她惜墨如金——我从没见过哪位作家能如此言简意赅。No candidate had an absolute majority.哪位候选人都没有在选举中获得绝对多数的支持。Who do we know on the inside who can help us?我们认识哪位能帮助我们的内部人士?Surely someone would stand up and let her sit down?烦请哪位给她让个座?He will support whichever candidate wins.不论哪位候选人获胜,他都会予以支持。A meeting was called to decide between the three candidates.召集了一次会议来决定在这三名候选人中选哪位Could someone please hit the lights?哪位按一下灯的开关好吗?If anybody wants to work on this, be my guest.如果哪位想干这个,请便。The day will finally come when a woman or a black man is elected president of the United States.终有一天哪位女性或黑人会当选为美国总统。No writer expresses the black experience with such passion as Toni Morisson.没有哪位作家像托尼·莫里森那样以充满激情的笔调来描述黑人的体验。He was in a quandary about which candidate to choose.他拿不定主意该选择哪位候选人。Do you consider any of the staff to be dispensable?你认为有哪位职员是可有可无的吗?Which judge will be sitting next week?下个星期哪位法官听审?Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy?.政府中有没有哪位高层人物支持采取不同政策?Which presidential candidate do you support?你支持哪位总统候选人?The election is going to come down to which candidate seems most trustworthy to the voters. 此次选举归根结底是要看哪位候选人最受选民信赖。From what author does this quotation come?这一引文出自哪位作者? Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr Jay and the company will pick up the tab.现如今,不论哪位雇员的背部或肩膀疼,都可以直接去找杰伊先生,费用由公司承担。The Minister has not been named.还没有指名道姓说是哪位部长。Does anyone have any questions for our speaker?哪位听众有问题要问我们的演讲人吗?Which candidate are you for?你支持哪位候选人?Many local officials have not yet committed themselves to a presidential candidate.许多地方官员仍未表态支持哪位总统候选人。Please can someone fill me in on anything I've missed?哪位能把我没听到的最新消息告诉我吗?Who's your favourite movie star?你最喜欢哪位电影明星?Is there anyone here who would like to lead off the debate?在座有哪位愿意带头开始讨论?Which candidate would be the lesser evil?哪位候选人会略好些呢?He has, however, achieved more than any of his predecessors.然而他比他的任何哪位前任都完成得多。I cannot pin the quotation down to its author.我不能确定这条引语出自哪位作家。Would somebody please get the phone?哪位接一下电话好吗?Which jockey will be riding tomorrow?明天哪位骑师出赛?Does anyone have any experiences-good or bad-that they would like to share with the group?哪位有愉快或不愉快的经历想与大家分享吗 ?




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