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词汇 哈里
例句 Harry's closed expression did not invite further comment.哈里那种旁若无人的表情并没有招致更多的议论。Harry's plans ended in failure.哈里的计划以失败告终。Harry, naturally, has to prove his machismo by going on the scariest rides twice.当然,哈里为了证明自己的男子汉气概,只得坐了两次最惊险的过山车。Harry took his rejection philosophically.哈里达观地看待自己被拒的事。Harry came in, his face drawn in anxiety.满脸愁容的哈里走了进来。Harry suffered serious head injuries when he was attacked by a gang of muggers.哈里被一伙人行凶抢劫,头部受了重伤。Harry thought the sight of her was inexpressibly poignant.哈里觉得看到她有种难以言喻的哀伤。Everyone likes their Harry, he's a champion little lad.大家都喜欢他们家的哈里,他是个非常出色的小家伙。Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary.哈里带我去一家豪华餐厅,庆祝我们的结婚纪念日。Harry took a sip of bourbon.哈里抿了一口波旁威士忌。Harry could hear the impatience in her voice.哈里能听出她声音里的不耐烦。Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。Harry slid across the bench so he was sitting next to me.哈里从长凳那头移过来,坐在我身边。During his speech, he invoked the memory of Harry Truman.演讲时,他使人回想起哈里·杜鲁门。The disease had reduced Harry to a skeleton.这场病让哈里瘦得只剩皮包骨了。The book is dedicated to Emma, with love from Harry.这本书是哈里为表示爱意题献给埃玛的。Harry peered into the gathering gloom.哈里凝视着朦胧的暮色。I think Harry knows the way, but I'll go with him just to make sure.我想哈里认得那条路,但为了放心,我要陪他一起去。Though they still talked a lot, Harry felt that their idyll was drawing to an end.尽管他们依然聊了很多,哈里却感到他们的浪漫插曲即将结束。Harry attempted a couple of jokes to relieve the tension of the occasion.哈里讲了几个笑话,试图缓解当时的紧张气氛。Harry's standing pat on his decision to fire Janice.哈里坚持解雇贾尼丝的决定。Harry chalked out the main features of the scheme in a report to head office.哈里在给总公司的报告中简述了计划的要点。I was sitting in the back row, when Harry sidled up and sat down next to me.我坐在后排,突然哈里悄悄地走过来坐在我身边。Harry's daughter is dead. She died long ago.哈里的女儿已不在人世,很久以前就死了。Then one evening Harry phoned, asking me to come to their flat as soon as possible.后来一天晚上哈里打电话来,叫我尽快到他们的公寓去。Please, Harry, you mustn't think badly of me. I had no choice.求你了,哈里,千万不要把我想得很坏,我别无选择。Tell Harry I'll be thinking of him and I hope he'll be home soon.哈里说我关心他,希望他早点回家。Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.只有一个男孩缺席,那就是哈里Harry skulked off.哈里偷偷地溜走了。A bird flew out of the tree and Harry took a potshot at it.一只鸟儿从树里飞了出来,哈里就随便地朝它开枪。Harry moved to bar his way.哈里走过去挡住了他的路。The stages in her love affair with Harry are perceptively written.她和哈里恋爱的各阶段写得非常细腻深刻。Lunch at Harry's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance.当艾琳光彩照人地出现在门口时,哈里酒吧的午餐会正是热闹非凡。A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry's mind.一个荒谬的念头突然在哈里脑中闪现。Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free.哈里手稍一松,安娜就挣脱了。Harry gargles with disbelief.哈里喉咙里咕噜着表示不信。Harry didn't mean to upset you. Now dry your eyes and come back downstairs.哈里不是故意惹你生气。好了,擦干眼泪回到楼下吧。I think prison is going to be a scary thing for Harry.我觉得蹲监狱对于哈里会是件很可怕的事。She nourishes a secret, unrequited love for Harry.她有一个秘密就是她暗恋着哈里Harry was embroidering a cushion.哈里在绣一个垫子。




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