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词汇 咳嗽
例句 I wish I could get rid of this rotten cough.我希望我这恼人的咳嗽快点好。She's developed a chronic cough.她的咳嗽已成了一种慢性病。He has a persistent cough because of his smoking.由于吸烟的关系,他的咳嗽总好不了。He had a smoker's cough and nicotine-yellowed fingers.他因吸烟患上了咳嗽,手指也被尼古丁熏黄了。He took a mouthful of neat whisky, and coughed.他喝了一口纯威士忌,咳嗽了起来。They were interrupted by an apologetic cough.他们被一声透着歉意的咳嗽打断。She coughed genteelly behind her hand.咳嗽时假装斯文地用手掩住嘴巴。His illness started with a slight cough.他的病是从轻微的咳嗽开始的。He wheezed and coughed all the time.他总是气喘吁吁,不停地咳嗽You should go to the doctor with that cough.你那咳嗽应该去看看医生。He started coughing as dust filled his lungs.因为粉尘填满了肺部,他开始咳嗽起来。I went to see the doctor about my cough but she said there was nothing wrong with me.咳嗽去看医生,可她说我没什么事。There was so much smoke that my sister started coughing.烟太浓了,把我妹妹呛得咳嗽起来。There was hardly a cough or splutter during the performance.在整个表演的过程中几乎连声咳嗽都听不见。Coughing at a concert can be a real embarrassment.在音乐会上咳嗽真会使人难堪。You should cover your mouth when you cough.咳嗽的时候应该捂住嘴。I think I'm getting a cold or flu – I've been coughing and sneezing all day.我想我是受凉了,或者得了流感 — 我整天都在咳嗽和打喷嚏。The old man had spells of coughing last night.昨天晚上老人一阵阵地咳嗽Coughing clears the lungs of mucus.咳嗽能清除肺里的黏液。I heard a cough from the back of the church.我听到教堂后面传来一声咳嗽He has a cough and a cold.他感冒了,还咳嗽You really have to see the doctor about that cough. 你真该去医院看看咳嗽The cold air brought on one of his coughing fits.冷风吹来,他又咳嗽了一阵。He has a bad cough/cold.咳嗽/感冒很严重。Have you seen a quack about that cough?你去医生那儿看咳嗽了吗?The dust made him cough.灰尘呛得他直咳嗽She began coughing when she aspirated some orange juice.由于呛了一些橙汁,她开始咳嗽起来。The cough syrup tastes like candy.这种咳嗽糖浆的味道像糖果。The medicine stopped the boy's incipient cough from becoming worse.药物控制住孩子初发的咳嗽The cough renewed his headache.咳嗽咳得他的头痛病又犯了。Most coughs are viral in origin.咳嗽大多是由病毒引发的。She tried to suppress a cough/laugh. 她努力忍住不咳嗽/笑出声。Her father had a habit of clearing his throat and coughing noisily.她父亲有个大声清嗓子和咳嗽的习惯。She gave him a slap on the back to stop him coughing.她在他背上拍了一下想让他的咳嗽停下来。You may cough or spit up some blood.你可能会咳嗽,或者吐点血。He was a sickly child with a bad chest and a permanent cough.他是个多病的孩子,肺部很弱,咳嗽不断。His cough is a hangover from a bad illness he had.一场大病后他落下了咳嗽的毛病。Although the infection cleared up, he was left with a persistent cough.尽管感染治愈了,可是给他留下了一直咳嗽的毛病。Graham began to cough violently.格雷厄姆开始剧烈咳嗽She has a bad cough, caused by heavy smoking.咳嗽得很厉害,这是吸烟太多引起的。




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