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词汇 favor
例句 While most of the senators spoke against tax increases, one senator spoke in favor of them.大多数参议员都发言反对增加税收,但有一位发言表示支持。The committee has pronounced in favour / favor of the merger.委员会已表示支持合并。There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses in favor of highly specialized training for high-paying careers, mostly in business.文科课程的报名人数有所下降,而以商业为主、针对高薪职业的高度专业化培训课程则越来越受欢迎。Her ideas have found/gained favor with many young people. 她的想法已经赢得了很多年轻人的支持。He is trying to curry favor with the voters by promising a tax cut if he's elected.他在尽力讨好选民,承诺如果当选将减少税收。Investors are hoping that the new regulations will operate in their favor.投资者希望新的法规能对他们有利。Her previous experience weighs in her favor.她之前的经历对她有利。Many people are in favour / favor of a curfew on young people.许多人赞成对年轻人规定晚上回家的最晚时间。Are you in favor of hanging?你赞同绞刑吗? The committee voted in favour / favor of the plan.委员会投票支持该计划。The court ruled in favor of the defendant.法院做出了有利于被告的裁决。Would you mind doing me a small favor?您能帮我个小忙吗?The ranking system is unfairly weighted in favor of the largest schools.这项排名制度有失公平地向规模最大的那些学校倾斜。We favor John's plan.我们赞成约翰的计划。Everyone in attendance voted in favor of the measure.所有出席的人都对这个措施投了赞成票。The judge ruled in favor of the defendant.法官做出了有利于被告的判决。The appreciation of the dollar against the yen is in your favor.美元对日元的增值对你有利。Newspaper reports had unfairly prejudiced the jury in her favour / favor.看了报纸的报道后,陪审团的天平不公平地向她倾斜了。We favor a sporting solution of the problem.我们赞成堂堂正正解决这个问题。The current laws favor large businesses and disfavor smaller businesses.现行法律对大企业有利,对较小的企业不利。The course is heavily weighted in favour / favor of engineering.这门课程非常偏重于工程学。The company is courting favor with consumers by portraying itself as socially responsible.这家公司把自己描述为具有社会责任感的企业,想以此博得消费者的认可。She came out in favor of the proposal.她公开表示支持这项提议。He has a prejudice in our favor.他对我们有偏爱。This fact weighed heavily in her favour / favor.这个事实对她颇为有利。Three-fourths of the public say they favor a national referendum on the issue.四分之三的公众表示希望就这个问题进行全民公决。Let's put it to the vote. All those in favor raise your hands.让我们来表决吧,所有赞成的人请举手。A mother shouldn't show too much favor to one of her children.做母亲的不应过分偏爱某一个孩子。Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill.国会表决时,这项提案得到压倒性的支持。His strong performance in the second half swung the game in our favor.他在下半场的强劲表现使比赛形势有利于我方。He is in favor of term limits for members of Congress. 他主张国会议员的任期应该有限期。The law has yet to be passed, despite the fact that most people are in favor of it.尽管大多数人支持这项法规,但它尚未通过。He's trying to earn the boss's favor by working late.他正努力通过加班来赢得老板的欢心。Industry and thrift favor success.勤劳和节俭有助于成功。The newspaper said that this was a ruling in favour / favor of freedom of speech.这份报纸认为这一裁决是对言论自由的支持。They decided in favour / favor of reducing the fees.他们决定减少费用。They will look with favor on your proposal.他们将会赞同你的建议。We don't know what the decision will be, but we think the odds are in our favor.虽不知道这一决定会是什么,但我们认为我方胜算较大。The idea may find favor with older people.这个想法也许会得到年纪较大的人的支持。He has to just ride this out and hope that it turns in his favor.他必须经受住此次危机,并且希望结果会对他有利。




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