例句 |
The door clanged shut behind them.门在他们身后咣当一声关上了。The guard clanged the door shut.警卫咣当一声把门关上了。The door opened with a clank.门咣当一声打开了。He hit the metal steps with a ringing crash.只听他咣当一声,摔在了金属台阶上。The door opened with a heavy clang.门咣当一声打开了。The door shut with a loud clang.门咣当一声关上了。The hammer fell with a clank on the floor.锤子咣当一声落在地板上。Then she swung around and swept out, banging the door behind her.然后她转过身来昂首阔步地走了出去,咣当一声把门带上。Whenever their team scored a goal, they clanked their beer cans together.每当他们的球队进了一个球,他们就欢欣雀跃,把啤酒罐碰得咣当响。She set her cup down, and it clattered against the saucer.她放下杯子时在茶碟上咣当碰了一下。The prison door clanged shut.监狱的门咣当一声关上了。 |