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词汇 咒语
例句 She uttered the magic word, and the spell was broken.她说出咒语,魔法解除了。The Lilac Fairy cast a spell that sent Aurora to sleep.丁香仙子施了咒语使奥萝拉睡着了。Mr Sharma lit incense and chanted Sanskrit mantras.夏尔马先生点上香,念起梵文咒语Charms and spells are still common in Ceylon.符咒和咒语在锡兰(现斯里兰卡)还很常见。She's a witch, and she'll cast a spell on you if she catches you.她是个女巫,如果让她逮住,她就会对你下咒语He said a magic spell of protection.他念了一段辟邪的咒语They have sung him and he will die.他们已经对他念下咒语,他会死的。Medea said the magic words that would bring her lover back to her.美狄亚说出了能把爱人带回到她身边的咒语He muttered some hocus-pocus over the rabbit.他念念有词朝兔子嘟哝了几句咒语She said some terrible abracadabra and accidentally summoned the genie out of his bottle.她念了些可怕的咒语,竟不期然将妖怪从他瓶子里召唤出来了。I'll just say the magic word and the rabbit will disappear - Abracadabra!我念一下咒语,兔子就会消失——阿布拉卡达布拉!




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