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例句 He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.他听到突如其来的一声吼叫,吓得魂不附体。It's considered bad netiquette to use capital letters in an email because it looks like YOU ARE SHOUTING.在电子邮件中使用大写字母被认为是不符合规范的,因为这样看起来像是在吼叫The irate colonel blared at the troops for letting down the regiment.怒气冲冲的上校向士兵们吼叫,因为他们给全团丢了脸。He gave a howl of pain.他发出一声痛苦的吼叫The dog bared its teeth at us and growled.那条狗冲我们龇牙吼叫He bellowed at/to/for her to come over at once.吼叫着让她马上过来。To Thomas, her laugh sounded horribly like a growl.对托马斯来说,她的笑声像吼叫,很吓人。Abe roared and kicked over a table.阿贝吼叫起来,踢翻了一张桌子。He was bellowing into the phone, giving orders to one of his employees.他冲着电话吼叫着给他的一名员工下达命令。We heard a lion roar in the distance.我们听到一头狮子在远处吼叫When we entered the room, the teacher was yelling at some unfortunate student.我们进教室的时候,老师正在对着一个倒霉蛋学生吼叫In a blaze of fury he shouted at his wife.狂怒之下,他冲著他太太吼叫Don't get upset if the boss yells at you. His bark is worse than his bite.如果老板对你吼叫不要难过。他是刀子嘴,豆腐心。Half-a-dozen lads surged round the corner, jumping about, shouting.六个少年挤在拐角处,跳来跳去,吼叫着。When the boss yelled at him, he quit right then and there.当老板对他吼叫时,他立马就辞职不干了。The dog let out a savage howl.狗发出了狂野的吼叫A heifer bellowed in her stall.一头小母牛在牛栏里吼叫The boss thundered out his orders at me.老板对我吼叫著发号施令。The child shrank behind the sofa as his father shouted at him.孩子在父亲冲他吼叫时退缩到了沙发后面。The bear exposed its teeth in a muffled growl.那只熊龇着牙,发出一声低沉的吼叫The dog kept growling but backed off/away cautiously.那只狗不停地吼叫着,却小心翼翼地往后退。The elephants trumpeted and stamped their feet at their approach.当他们靠近时,这些大象一边吼叫一边跺脚。They were screaming and hollering at each other all night.他们整整一个晚上都在朝对方吼叫The mad man snarled at the children.疯子对著孩子们吼叫He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.他朝他的兄弟吼叫,脖子上青筋暴突。The bear exposed its teeth in a muffled growl.那只熊龇出牙齿,发出一声低沉的吼叫




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