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词汇 涂料
例句 The bright paint really makes the room come alive!色彩明快的涂料真的使房间充满了生机!The paint has a water base, not an oil base.这种漆是水基涂料,而不是油基涂料Pigment is mixed into oil, glue, egg, etc. to make different types of paint.将颜料与油、胶水、鸡蛋等混合,制成各种涂料This paint is very expensive, so please use it sparingly.这种涂料很贵,请省着点儿用。They used special paint to cover up the cracks in the wall.他们用特制的涂料来遮盖墙上的裂缝。We need to estimate how much paint we'll need for the job.我们要估计一下,干这个活儿需要多少涂料The top of the wall is painted and the bottom is covered in wood paneling.墙顶上刷涂料,底下镶木板。Flat paint or wallpaper can hide a multitude of sins.无光涂料或墙纸可以起到美化的作用。His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business.他的继父经营着一家生意红火的涂料公司。No paint is impermeable to water vapour.没有哪种涂料是不透水汽的。I'm trying to calculate how much paint we need.我想算出我们需要多少涂料You'll receive samples of paint, curtains and upholstery.你将收到涂料、窗帘、家具垫衬套的样品。The paint shows good weather resistance.这种涂料表现出良好的耐风化性。The blue base gives the red paint more depth.蓝色底色将红色涂料衬托得愈加浓重。That's not very much paint if you're planning to paint the whole bedroom.如果你打算把卧室全部刷一遍,这点涂料就不算很多了。The new paint on the house is a decided improvement.房子新刷了涂料,明显变漂亮了。The paint oxidizes and discolors rapidly.这种涂料很快就会氧化褪色。The school uses only nontoxic paint.学校只用无毒涂料What color paint shall we use?我们该用什么颜色的涂料呢?Painting is a relatively inexpensive way to enhance your home.涂料是美化居室的一种相对较便宜的方式。The room was strange, the walls half papered, half painted.那个房间很奇怪,墙壁一半贴壁纸,一半刷涂料Mixing sand into the paint will add texture. 把沙子混入涂料会增加质感。The room needs a fresh coat of paint.这个房间需要新刷一层涂料The room is ready for painting.可以给房间刷涂料了。The paints vary in consistency.涂料的黏稠度有差异。The paint looked blue, but it was just a trick of the light. 涂料看起来是蓝色的,但那只是光线造成的错觉。We chose a paint with a metallic luster.我们选择了一种有金属光泽的涂料He dabbed some paint on the wall.他往墙上刷了点儿涂料I'm going to buy some white paint to freshen up the bathroom walls.我准备买些白色涂料把浴室墙面刷新一下。The acrylic is very durable and polishes well.丙烯酸涂料持久耐用,光泽效果很好。Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti-rust paint.雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。Much of the original decoration was painted over.大部分原来的装饰图案被新的涂料覆盖了。The paint should be mixed in the proportion of one part of paint to two parts of water.涂料应该按一份涂料两份水的比例调合。I decorated my apartment in dark colors.我用深色调涂料粉刷了我的公寓。The paint we're using for the bathroom is white with a yellow tint.我们刷浴室的涂料是白色的,但有点儿偏黄。Two of the lorries, carrying industrial resin and paint thinner, burst into flames.其中运载工业树脂和涂料稀释剂的两辆卡车起火了。Most of that paint was used on the kitchen.那种涂料大多用于厨房。Dilute the paint with water until it is the consistency of milk.用水把涂料稀释到牛奶般的稠度。She splattered the paint messily on the wall.她把涂料很随意地洒在墙上。Some types of paint on toys can cause lead poisoning in children.玩具上的某些涂料会导致儿童铅中毒。




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