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词汇 听觉
例句 Her hearing was already going.她已经渐渐丧失听觉了。His hearing is failing.他的听觉在衰退。Old Zeke doesn't hear too well any more.老泽克的听觉不再灵敏。In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute.在黑暗中,我的听觉变得特别敏锐。It is unclear whether this treatment can improve hearing in patients with acoustic neuromas.目前尚不清楚这种治疗方法是否能够提高听觉神经瘤患者的听力水平。There is no need to shout; we have good ears.不需要大叫大嚷,我们的听觉灵着呢。Bats have a very powerful sense of hearing.蝙蝠的听觉很灵敏。He suffered hearing loss following an illness.他得了一场病后就丧失了听觉Deaf people get no acoustic feedback when they talk, so their speech is often impaired.耳聋的人说话时得不到听觉反馈,所以他们的言语能力往往都有障碍。It's an artificial device that stimulates the auditory areas of the brain.这个人工装置是用来刺激大脑听觉区域的。Chicago provides a feast for the ears of any music lover.《芝加哥》将为所有音乐爱好者献上一场听觉盛宴。The old man's hearing is poor.那个老人的听觉很差。We thought there might be something wrong with her hearing.我们觉得她的听觉可能有问题。Though advanced in years, he has a keen sense of hearing.他虽然上了年纪,但听觉十分灵敏。She can't hear very well.她的听觉不太好。The bat's hearing is remarkably sensitive.蝙蝠的听觉特别敏锐。He was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma.他被诊断出患有听觉神经瘤。The stapes was mobilized, and the hearing improved.镫骨松动,因而听觉改善了。Many animals have a sharper sense of sight or of hearing than mankind.许多动物比人类有更敏锐的视觉或听觉He's getting old and he can't hear very well.他年纪大了,听觉不太好。The wildcat uses its sight and hearing for crepuscular hunting.野猫利用视觉和听觉进行晨昏猎食。The patient has damage to the auditory nerve.病人的听觉神经受损。The performance was both visually and aurally appealing.这场表演是一场视觉和听觉的盛宴。She lost her sense of hearing early in life.她早年就丧失了听觉His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent.他的头脑似乎还清楚,听觉也很好。Vision and hearing are exteroceptive senses.视觉和听觉都是外感受性的感觉。His hearing began to deteriorate.他的听觉开始退化了。She can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.她有视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。His hearing was dulled by age.他的听觉因上了年纪而变得迟钝了。Candidates must have normal hearing and colour vision.报考人必须具有正常的听觉和色觉。A hearing aid is a necessary auxiliary to those whose hearing is impaired.助听器对听觉受损者是必要的辅助物。After he became blind his hearing has been keener in compensation.失明后,他的听觉作为代偿比原来灵敏了。Two months after the accident her hearing came back.事故之后两个月,她的听觉又恢复了。Sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell are the five senses.视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉、嗅觉合称五种官能。There are five senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.人有五种官能:视觉、嗅觉、听觉、味觉和触觉。I use the sense of sound much more than the sense of sight.我用听觉比视觉要多得多。One's hearing often becomes obtuse in old age.人到老年往往听觉变得不灵。If you have trouble visualizing, you can also do the above in an auditory fashion.如果你觉得把它图像化很难,也可以将上述内容听觉化。




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