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词汇 听听
例句 Are you cats coming in to hear my new records?大伙儿要进来听听我的新唱片吗?Some of the people were drop-ins who had no real interest in the case.有些人是顺便来听听的,对这案件并无真正的兴趣。Try listening to a relaxation tape before you go to sleep.睡觉前试着听听让人放松的录音带。We want to hear the opinions of a variety of people.我们想听听各种人的看法。If you're worried, get the advice of someone who can look at the problem objectively.如果你担心的话,可以听听能够客观看待这一问题的人的意见。She is uncertain of what she wants and is open to persuasion.她拿不准自己想要什么,愿意听听别人的说法。Come on, I want to hear all the gory details.给我讲讲吧,我想听听这些骇人听闻的细节。Wait till the girls back home hear about this!等着女伴们回家来听听这事吧!My doctor says I need surgery, but I'm going to get a second opinion. 我的医生认为我需要手术,不过我还想听听其他医生的意见。The least you can do is listen to what I have to say before you reject it completely.在你断然拒绝之前你至少该听听我要说的话。I thought I had best have your opinion first.我认为最好先听听你的意见。Slip your shirt off and I'll listen to your heart.快点脱掉衬衫,我来听听你的心跳。When you're in Boston, be sure to hear the Pops.你去波士顿一定得去听听流行音乐会。You should have heard him last night!昨晚你真该听听他所说的。I'd like to hear his side of the story as well.我也想听听他对这件事的说法。You should have heard the way she talked about her husband.你真该听听她是如何说起她丈夫的。You must persuade him to see another doctor. Second opinion can't hurt.你必须说服他另找一位医生看看。听听别的意见没害处。I'm interested to hear what you have to say.我想听听你的看法。Oh Lord, hear our prayers.上帝啊,听听我们的祈祷吧。We would like to hear your angle in this dispute.我们想听听你在这场争论中的观点。Could you read this for me? I don't have my glasses on.你能念给我听听吗?我没戴眼镜。Play us your favorite record.请把你最喜欢的唱片放给我们听听I would really like to have your objective opinion on this.我很想听听你对此事的客观见解。I would be intrigued to hear others' views.我很想听听别人的意见。I can't wait to hear all your news.我真等不及要听听你的近况。Let's just hear the news headlines.咱们听听新闻提要吧。Well, let's hear your current tale of woe.好吧,让咱们听听最近这一阵你又有什么苦要诉。It wouldn't do you any harm to listen to her advice.你不妨听听她的意见。The most you can hope to achieve is just to get him to listen to your ideas.你能希望做到的充其量只是让他听听你的想法而已。She relaxed her mind by listening to music.听听音乐使大脑得到休息。I'd love to be a fly on the wall when those two get home!我想暗中听听那俩人回到家说些什么!Let's just wait and see what they have to say.等等看,听听他们怎么说。Let's have some plain, truthful answers.让我们听听坦率而真实的回答吧。We finished recording our first take and played it back to hear how it sounded.我们完成了第一遍录音,并回放听听效果如何。I suggest you take his advice.我建议你听听他的忠告。And for lowbrows, there's a very neat duet of `You Really Got Me'.对于那些什么也不懂的粗人,倒是可以听听一首还不错的二重唱《你迷倒了我》。I am seeking your professional advice on a very delicate matter.我有件很棘手的事要听听你的专业意见。I'd be very interested to hear your opinion.我非常想听听你的意见。Do you want to hear the latest instalment of my love life?你想听听我最近爱情生活的精彩片段吗?If you want my opinion, I think she's suffering from some form of neurosis.如果你想听听我的意见,我认为她患有某种神经官能症。




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