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例句 This was a message exquisitely modulated for different ears.这是一个措词经精心推敲使之适合不同对象听取的信息。New employees receive two days of orientation.新雇员用两天时间听取介绍,熟悉情况。The court heard how Allan made a reference to poison while chatting with a pal.法庭听取了艾伦与朋友闲聊时如何提到毒药的陈述。We had to listen to a long list of complaints.我们只得听取一长串的抱怨。The president has been fully briefed on the current situation in Haiti.总统听取了海地当前局势的全部汇报。The men have been debriefed by British and Saudi officials.英国和沙特阿拉伯的官员听取了他们的情况汇报。They wanted the opinion of a detached observer.他们希望听取公正的观察员的意见。He heard reports and took notes on relief work.听取了报告,并记下了救济工作的情况。The court has heard accounts of that night's events from several witnesses - now please tell us in your own words what you saw.法庭已经听取了几位证人对那天晚上所发生事件的陈述——现在请你用自己的话说说你看到的情况。She had not waited for any explanation but had condemned him unheard.她不等听取任何解释便定了他的罪。The jury heard how the boy had obtained a knife from a friend's house.陪审团听取了那个男孩如何从朋友家里弄到一把刀的陈述。The committee sat to hear the arguments for and against the plan.委员会开会听取支持和反对这项计划的意见。He claimed to have the ear of several top ministers.他声称能让几位高级部长听取他的意见。The jury heard evidence from his employees.陪审团听取了他的几位雇员的证词。We'll be glad to hear your opinion of them.我们将乐于听取你对他们的看法。The court heard her testimony against the accused.法庭听取了她指证被告的证言。The jury had heard counsel on both sides.陪审团已听取双方律师的意见。The court heard how Mrs Taylor and her lover had plotted the murder of her husband.法庭听取了泰勒太太如何与情人密谋杀害丈夫的证词。DeGaulle flew back to England to be briefed about the invasion that was about to begin.戴高乐乘飞机回到英格兰,听取有关这场即将开始的侵略行动的情况。He followed my counsel.听取了我的忠告。He is here for medical check-ups and debriefing by State Department officials.他来此是进行身体检查,并听取国务院官员的汇报。On this issue, government has failed to listen to the people.在这件事情上,政府没有听取民众的意见。It is essential that you take legal advice.有必要听取法律建议。Tomorrow, the court will hear evidence relating to Simpson's financial assets.明天法庭将听取有关辛普森的资产的证据材料。The meeting will give residents a chance to listen to some expert opinions. 这次会议将为居民们提供一个听取专家意见的机会。I would like some financial advice before I buy this house.购买这所房子之前,我想听取一些财务方面的建议。If you are prosecuted by the police, then it is essential that you take specialist legal advice.如果你受到警方起诉,至关重要的是你要听取专业律师的意见。The jury have heard evidence from defence witnesses.陪审团已经听取了被告方目击证人的证词。The system allows doctors to have recourse to specialist opinion.该制度使医生能够听取专家的意见。Sheila is very much her own woman. She'll listen to everyone and then make up her mind for herself.希拉非常有主见。她会听取每个人的意见之后自己拿主意。If I were in that position, I'd get legal advice.如果我处于那个位置,我就会听取律师的建议。He'll listen to suggestions, but in the end, his word is law.他会听取别人的建议,但最终他说了算。They are open to suggestions on how working conditions might be improved.他们愿意就如何改善工作条件听取各种意见。The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides.首相已经从她的国会助手那里听取了基本情况。If you have a squeaky little voice, people tend not to listen to your ideas.如果你的声音又尖又小,人家一般就不会听取你的意见。The quarterback called the offense into a huddle.四分卫召集进攻队员聚拢听取战术。It would be contrary to legal precedent to hear him.听取他的陈述是不符合司法惯例的。 The architect yielded to critics and changed the design.建筑师听取了批评者们的意见,更改了设计。The government, in the person of the Health Minister, has taken a lot of criticism.卫生部长代表政府听取了许多批评。He has the President's ear on foreign policy.总统在对外政策方面听取他的意见。




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