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词汇 cannot help
例句 I cannot help contrasting her attitude with that of her friends.我忍不住把她的态度与她朋友们的态度相比较。You cannot help but like her.你忍不住会喜欢上她。You cannot help wondering about the pointlessness of it all.你会禁不住觉得这一切毫无意义。One cannot help being struck by a surprising omission.所有人不由得因为一处出人意料的遗漏而感到震惊。She is so designing that you cannot help questioning her motives.她如此诡计多端,以致你不能不怀疑她的动机。You feel so impotent when your child is ill and you cannot help them.当孩子生病却什么忙也帮不上时,你会觉得自己是如此无能为力。Parents cannot help concerning themselves in school affairs.做父母的都不由得关心着学校教育的事。I cannot help but do so.我不得不这样做。You cannot help but be jolted by the sight.你会不禁为这种情景感到震惊。I cannot help but worry about the future.我不能不为未来担忧。If the sales clerk cannot help you, ask to see the manager.如果销售员帮不了你,就要求见经理。I cannot help feeling a sentiment of pity.我不由得感到一丝同情。I cannot help but admire his courage.我不得不赞赏他的勇气。




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