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She hit out at the spoiling tactics of a group of MPs who deliberately caused a parliamentary bill to fail.她对一些议员故意捣乱使立法程序失败的行为进行攻击。When he discovered an intruder in his backyard, he sicced his German shepherd to attack.当他发现有人侵入他的后院时,他就下令他的牧羊犬进行攻击。Hoffman did not simply oppose the system; he used the system against itself.霍夫曼不仅仅是反对这个体制,他还利用体制自身的漏洞对它进行攻击。This snark blatantly attacks the author.这一恶意中伤的言论公开地对作者进行攻击。It was a high-risk strategy to attack with such a small number of planes, but it was brilliantly successful.用这么少的飞机进行攻击是风险很大的行动计划,但却获得了极大的成功。I was personally offended by the article.那篇文章对我个人进行攻击。 |