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词汇 各位
例句 OK, guys - it's time to pack up now.好了,各位,现在该收工了。Come on, everyone-time for a group hug.来吧,各位 - 集体拥抱的时间到了。Does anyone have any other ideas?各位还有什么别的想法吗?She dazzled fellow guests at the society wedding of the year.她在今年的名流婚礼上迷倒了各位男宾。First of all, let me welcome everyone to the meeting.首先,让我来欢迎各位出席这次会议。Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you all here today.女士们先生们,欢迎各位大驾光临。Before I start, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.进入正题以前,我要感谢各位的光临。We have tried to equalize the workload between the different teachers.我们力求把工作量平均分配给各位老师。It was a low-key meeting, each leader gauging the mettle of the other.这是个不露声色的会议,各位领导人都在揣摩彼此的脾气秉性。Ministers agreed to phase out the old voting system within two years.各位部长同意在两年之内逐渐废除旧的选举制度。That's all, folks!各位,到此为止!The proposals were swiftly and unsurprisingly rejected by Western ministers.一如所料,这些提议当即遭到西方各位部长的反对。The male caller asked for various of her male colleagues.那位男性来电者要求和她的各位男同事通话。Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming.请允许我借此机会感谢各位的光临。A copy of the agenda is circulated to delegates a month before the conference.议程已于开会前一个月发给各位代表。I would like to thank everyone who attended our charity evening for supporting the event.我要感谢各位为支持慈善事业而前来参加这个晚会。Last of all, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.最后,我要感谢各位光临。Government monitors will continue to accompany reporters.政府核查员将继续陪同各位记者。Finally, I'd like to thank everyone for coming this evening.最后,我要感谢各位今晚光临。Questions from the floor will be invited.欢迎各位听众提问。OK, everyone, time's up for this week.好了,各位,这星期的就到这里。First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.首先,我要感谢各位光临。The work for the project gets distributed among the editors.这个项目的工作分配给了各位编辑。There is heavy fog on all roads tonight so drivers are advised to reduce speed and drive with extra care.今晚所有道路都降大雾,所以建议各位司机减速行驶,多加小心。The Environment Minister will welcome delegates but will not attend the full talks.环境部长将会迎接各位代表,但不会参加全部的会谈。Owing to circumstances beyond our control, we regret to inform customers that this store will close early.由于一些我们不能控制的情况,我们遗憾地通知各位顾客本商店将提前关门。Might I draw your readers' attention to the dangers in the Government's proposal.各位在阅读时注意一下政府提案中的风险。It was an opportunity for the leaders to become better acquainted.这是个让各位领导更加熟识的机会。On a more serious note, I'd like to thank everyone for all their support.更严格地讲,我要感谢各位给予的一切支持。All right, everybody, quiet down - we're about to stop.好了,各位,别说话了,我们马上就停。Sorry folks, I don't mean to interrupt your dinner.不好意思,各位,我并不是要打扰大家用餐。Last orders at the bar now, please!各位,酒吧打烊前最后一轮点酒了!Okay, listen up, guys. We've got to talk a little about how you look.好了,听我说,各位。我们需要简单谈谈大家的形象问题。I am very grateful to all those who took the trouble to write to me.多谢各位费心来函。OK folks, time to go home. That's your lot.好啦,各位,该回家了。就到这里吧。Please take your seats.各位就座。I'm sorry, we seem to have run out of time. Thanks to everyone who took part.很抱歉,我们时间好像不够了。谢谢各位来参加。The candidates gave their standard stump speeches.各位候选人按例行程序作了巡回演讲。Good night, listeners!各位听众,晚安! Okay, people. Let's not panic.好了,各位不要惊慌。




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