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词汇 台电
例句 You should compare at least three or four computers before buying one.购买之前,你应当至少比较一下三四台电脑。The computer was superior to other models, but it was prohibitively expensive.台电脑比其他型号都好,只是价钱贵得吓人。The computer is linked with/to the fax machine.台电脑与传真机相连接。The computer is unconnected to the network.台电脑没有联网。The television's not working properly.台电视机运转不正常。There was a TV in the hotel room, and sometimes I escaped up there to have a rest.旅馆房间里有台电视机,我有时会溜上去休息一会。This television set drifts during warmup.台电视机预热时图像发生漂移。This computer is a real speed demon compared with/to my old computer.和我那台旧电脑比起来,这台电脑简直快极了。The computer comes with the software already installed.台电脑附带已安装好的软件。The computer is a good performer at a reasonable price.台电脑物美价廉。The motor turned over without any trouble.台电动机顺顺当当地开动起来。The memory on this computer has the additional advantage of being expandable.台电脑的内存还有另一个优点,就是可以扩容。I was glad to see the back of that computer – it was nothing but trouble.我很高兴不再用那台电脑了,它只会惹麻烦。I bet that computer knocked you back several hundred.我敢说那台电脑花了你几百块钱。This computer can store as much data as many larger models.台电脑能够储存与许多更大型的电脑一样多的数据。Trying to fix the computer isn't worth the grief.为修好这台电脑如此费神不值得。There was a television set in the corner of the room.屋子的角落里有台电视机。This computer is so out-of-date.台电脑太过时了。The computer is programmed to create monthly sales reports.台电脑被编入了生成月销售报告的程序。It was an amazing computer, albeit expensive.台电脑功能强大,尽管价格昂贵。My last computer was pretty fast, but this one's a real screamer.我之前用的那台电脑速度已经相当快,但这一台真可谓是飞速。This computer's not worth a damn. 台电脑毫无价值。The telly is cheap, because it's a reject.台电视机价钱便宜,因为是等外品。The investigator did a full scan of the computer's files.调查人员仔细审查了这台电脑上的所有文件。Will you show me how to use this computer?你能示范教我如何使用这台电脑吗?This computer is defective. I want my money back.台电脑是残品。我要退货。I have a battery tester in my garage.我的车库里有台电池测试仪。Do you know how to print on this computer?你会用这台电脑打印吗?This computer isn't working as it should.台电脑不能正常工作。The computer is not repairable.台电脑没法修了。This computer does not support that software. 台电脑不支持那款软件。The computer connects to the fax machine.台电脑连着传真机。Let me get a dolly to move the computer.让我找个手推车来搬运这台电脑。This TV gives a very sharp picture.台电视机图像非常清晰。The television is big, has an excellent picture, and last but not least, it's cheap.台电视挺大,画面也特好,最后同样重要的是,它还便宜。The television show will review last year's major events.台电视节目将回顾去年的重大事件。This computer wasn't cheap, but it was money well spent. 台电脑不便宜,但这个钱花得值。I'm having trouble getting this computer to work. 我没法让这台电脑运行。This computer works at a much faster processing speed than my old one.台电脑的处理速度比我那台旧电脑快得多。The computer can't read that disk.台电脑不能读取那个磁盘。




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