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词汇 can afford
例句 The upkeep of the large house is more than she can afford.维修这幢大房子不是她能负担得起的。Nowadays, no company can afford to be caught napping by a technological development.如今没有哪家公司能承受因技术发展带来的令人措手不及的后果。He's finally earning more, so he can afford to have a holiday this year.他终于赚得多些了,今年能够有钱去度假了。We are grateful for the donation of whatever you can afford to give.您任何力所能及的捐献我们都很感激。Work out the maximum amount you can afford to spend.算一下你最多能花费多少钱。No young politician can afford to flout convention in this way.没有哪个年轻的从政者敢于以这样的方式无视传统。I'm going to have the roof fixed as soon as I can afford it.我一有钱就会让人把屋顶修好。Before buying an expensive item, he needs to ask himself if/whether he can afford it.购买贵重物品之前,他得想想自己是否有这个能力。So the car's expensive - well, I can afford it.没错,这辆车的确很贵——可我买得起。Use the best tools and materials you can afford to give a professional finish to your DIY work.自己动手做东西,要尽量用最好的工具和材料,让成品显得有专业水平。Giles can afford it – he's loaded.贾尔斯花得起这笔钱 — 他很有钱。These days, I can afford to pick and choose.这些日子,我还能够挑三拣四。Only a select few can afford this lifestyle.只有少数人才有钱享受这种生活方式。More people can afford autos than prewar.与战前相比,现在买得起汽车的人更多了。Isn't it a bit infra dig to go to a launderette when you can afford a washing machine of your own?你能买得起洗衣机,却去自助洗衣店洗衣,这不是有失体面吗?Use this budget planner to work out what you can afford.用这个预算编制程序算算你能承担得了多少。This service should be available to everyone, irrespective of whether they can afford it.这项服务应该为所有人提供,无论他们是否负担得起。We can afford to go to Miami this year.我们今年有足够的钱去迈阿密。Only people who can afford to lose their money should make high-risk investments.只有那些能够承受资金损失的人才适合进行高风险投资。These numbers are only approximations but they give us some idea of what we can afford.这些数字虽然只是一个粗略估计,但却使我们大概知道了自己的承受能力。I live for the day when I can afford to buy a car.我盼着有一天能买得起小汽车。People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches.看不起电影或听不起音乐会的人可以去观看足球赛。When you come to choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford.选购餐桌时,尽财力所能买最好的是很值得的。There's no way we can afford to buy a house at the moment.眼下我们无论如何也买不起房子。Eventually our choice of hotel will come down to how much we can afford.我们最终选择哪家酒店归根结底取决于我们能付得起多少钱。Some landlords have become greedy and are demanding higher rents than people can afford.有些房东变得很贪,要求的房租超过了人们所能负担的。When choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford.选购餐桌时,倾尽财力买最好的是很值得的。Few companies can afford, out of pocket, to pay staff salaries.没有几家公司有能力用手头现款来给职员发工资。We can afford to wait a while longer.我们可以再多等一会儿。They are stronger than us and can afford to bide their time.他们比我们有实力,可以耐心等待时机。I'm glad you mentioned money. That brings up the question of how much we can afford to spend.我很高兴你谈到了钱,这便引出了我们能够负担多少开销的问题。On my salary, I can afford few luxuries.我的工资几乎买不起什么奢侈品。We can afford waiting a while longer.我们可以再多等一会儿。He can afford to sit out the property slump.他可以等到房市暴跌结束。They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it.他们付全价,请注意,他们是付得起的。I don't think we can afford to pay the full amount back now.我觉得我们现在还没办法把所有的欠款都还清。I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy for people who spend more than they can afford and then find themselves in debt.有些人花钱不量入为出,结果欠了一身的债,这样的人我一点也不同情他们。People gain valuable work experience and, in addition, employers can afford to employ them.人们可获得宝贵的工作经验,而且雇主们也能雇得起他们。Frankly I cannot imagine how any manager can afford to get rid of it.坦率地说我不能想象哪个经理能摆脱得了它。These days more and more people can afford to fly, which means the airways become increasingly crowded.如今付得起钱乘飞机的人越来越多,这就意味着空中航线越来越拥挤。




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