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例句 The force of public opinion can help check abuses in modern politics.舆论的力量可以帮助制止现代政治中的弊端。Talking to a counsellor can help divorcees to bear the pain of separation.找专家谈谈可以帮助离婚的人承受分手的痛苦。Paying a little each month can help you manage your money.每个月拿出一点可以帮助你合理安排你的钱。The right style of swimsuit can help by hiding bulges.款式合适的泳衣可以帮助遮盖赘肉。A hot bath should help to relax you.洗个热水澡可以帮助你放松下来。An upright posture in a chair or bed helps the patient to breathe more easily.笔直地坐在椅子上或床上的姿势可以帮助病人呼吸更加顺畅。Some teenage girls think that smoking helps keep their weight down.有些十几岁的女孩认为抽烟可以帮助减肥。The new computer program allows us to do in seconds what would otherwise take us days to accomplish.这个新的计算机程序可以帮助我们在几秒钟内完成以前要花几天时间才能做完的事情。Mother's milk is believed to help a suckling child avoid diseases.据信母乳可以帮助尚未断奶的孩子避免疾病。An ice pack should help reduce swelling.冰袋可以帮助消肿Are there any questions that can help pick out a drug addict?有没有任何问题可以帮助认出吸毒者?I would imagine that Libby could help you - she knows a lot about legal things.我估计莉比可以帮助你,她对法律懂得很多。Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages.向导程序和模板可以帮助你创建手册、日历和网页。We can guide investors through the intricacies of the cable industry.我们可以帮助投资者了解复杂的电缆产业。While immunosuppressive drugs can help prevent rejection of transplanted tissues or organs, they can also give rise to infections.免疫抑制药物可以帮助防止移植器官或组织被身体排斥,但是它们也会引起感染增加。Experienced teachers help you learn quickly.有经验的教师可以帮助你学习快速有成。A laugh can help people over an awkward situation.可以帮助人化解尴尬。Patterns like stripes or spots can help to camouflage an animal.条纹和斑点一类的图案可以帮助动物伪装自己。If the investigation is a sustained piece of work extending over a period of weeks, a diary will help to track events.如果调查是一项长久的工作,要进行好几个星期,那么日记可以帮助把事情记录下来。People can be helped to overcome their aversion to snakes.可以帮助人们克服对蛇的厌恶情绪。Swimming can help you burn off those unwanted calories.游泳可以帮助你消耗掉多余的卡路里。There are programs that will help you figure out what's wrong with your PC, and help you correct it.有程序可以帮助你找出你的个人电脑哪里出了问题,并且帮你纠正它。She had no one to turn to for assistance.她找不到可以帮助她的人。The act of writing a list can help to calm you down.列清单可以帮助你冷静下来。Menthol can help to clear your nose when you have a cold.薄荷醇可以帮助感冒的人清鼻子。We can help you find a solution to all your financial problems.我们可以帮助你想办法解决所有的财务问题。There is only one other person who could help us.只有另外一个人可以帮助我们。Newspaper ads can be helpful in finding the lender with the most favourable interest rates.报纸上的广告可以帮助你找到利率最优惠的贷款人。Hopefully, the experience will help us to avoid a repetition of our mistakes.希望这次经历可以帮助我们避免犯同样的错误。We can help you find out if you qualify for any benefits.我们可以帮助你确认你是否有资格领取救济。This job could be their ticket out of poverty.这份工作可以帮助他们摆脱贫困。They can help with decisions about where to invest your money.他们可以帮助你决定投资方向。Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection.这里是一些有价值的信息来源,可以帮助你作出最佳选择。Getting a master's should help you get a better job.读一个硕士学位应该可以帮助你找一份更好的工作。If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。Grammatical information helps learners to encode sentences.语法信息可以帮助学习者正确造句。The firm targeted people who had suffered injury, claiming it could help recover damages.这家公司的目标客户是受伤人群,声称可以帮助他们获得赔偿。Honey can help to detox the body.蜂蜜可以帮助身体排毒。The substance itself is flavourless, but it is said to bring out the flavour of other ingredients.这种物质本身没有味道,但据说可以帮助其他配料提味。Consultants can help academic institutions to manage their resources more efficiently.顾问可以帮助学术机构更有效地使用他们的资源。




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