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词汇 叫来
例句 The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called.大楼人员被疏散,并叫来了拆弹小组。Fearing the worst, police have called in reinforcements to help control the crowds.警方担心会出现最坏的情况,叫来了增援帮助控制人群。Maria summoned a waiter and ordered a drink.玛丽亚叫来服务员,点了一杯饮料。Neighbours heard the child screaming and called the police.邻居们听见孩子的哭叫声,于是叫来了警察。The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.农夫叫来兽医诊治病牛。The chest pains got worse, and the family doctor was called.胸口疼痛加剧,于是叫来家庭医生。Police were called to escort her off the premises.叫来警察护送她离场。Her husband called their local GP.她的丈夫打电话叫来了当地的全科医生。Some interfering busybody had rung the police.某个好事者打电话叫来了警察。Police were called when he refused to quit the building.他拒绝离开那座大楼,于是人们叫来了警察。Sarah's first thought was to run back and get Max.萨拉首先想到的就是跑回去把马克斯叫来I had to call out a plumber to check the central heating system.我不得不叫来水暖工检查集中供暖系统。Tired of shuttlecocking the document for signatures, the secretary decided to call in all the signers.厌倦了为签字而将文件往返递送,秘书决定将所有的签字人叫来The nurse on duty called for a doctor.值班的护士叫来了一位医生。Police had to be called in to control the crowds.只好把警察叫来控制人群。The police were called after a prowler was spotted near their home.发现有个人潜伏在他们家附近后就叫来了警察。Kenny had been pressed into service to guard the door.肯尼被临时叫来看门。The bus driver called in the police to deal with an unruly passenger.公共汽车司机叫来警察处理滋事的乘客。I called a service engineer in to mend the lift.叫来了维修技术人员来修理电梯。Dinner's ready. Can you get Jo?晚饭准备好了。你去把乔叫来好吗?He whistled up four or five people to give us a hand.他吹口哨叫来四五个人给我们帮忙。Eventually the police were called to move them on.终于有人叫来警察驱散他们。I noticed that one of the horses was limping, and called for the vet.我注意到其中一匹马跛了,于是叫来兽医。The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called.大楼里进行了人员疏散,并叫来了拆弹小组。Accountants have been called in to save the firm from insolvency.为挽救这家公司免于破产叫来了会计师。We called in the police and accused the boys of stealing.我们叫来了警察并控告男孩子们偷窃。Firemen were called after his father failed to break the door down.他的父亲没能把门砸开,后来就把消防员叫来了。The Congressman called in some reporters for a backgrounder.众议员把一些记者叫来参加背景情况介绍会。You have to carry a bleeper so that they can call you in at any time.你必须随身携带传呼机,这样他们可以随时把你叫来We called the police when we noticed her newspapers and mail were piling up.我们注意到她家的报纸和邮件越堆越多,便叫来警察。Some bright spark thought the building was on fire and called the fire brigade.不知道哪个聪明人以为大楼着火了,就叫来了消防队。




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