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词汇 口气
例句 A tone of menace entered into her voice.她的声音带上了威胁的口气She was really unpleasant on the phone.在电话中她的口气很不友好。He sighed in exasperation.他恼怒地叹了口气The new mayor talks tough on crime.这位新市长在犯罪问题上口气强硬。Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle.她母亲叹了口气,擦掉了纵横字谜中另一处填错的地方。The President is talking tough on crime.总统对犯罪活动口气强硬。The tone of the feminist speakers suggested they were adopting a somewhat defensive posture.女权主义发言人的口气表明她们的戒心相当重。His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath.他的胸脯上下起伏,然后他深深地吸了口气He sighed with impatience.他不耐烦地叹了口气She finished the meal and sat back with a satiated sigh.她用完餐,往椅背上一靠,心满意足地叹了口气She pushed her spectacles further up her nose and sighed.她把眼镜又往鼻子上推了推,叹了口气She tried to infuse as much severity as possible into her gentle voice.她尽量想在自己温柔的嗓音里多掺入几分严厉的口气She sighed, then continued in a soft, calm voice.她叹了口气,然后用柔和平静的声音接着说下去。She flopped into the chair with a sign of relief.她蓦地倒在椅子上,舒了口气I told him to get lost and leave me alone and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我叫他滚开,不要来烦我,他的口气一下子就从逢迎谄媚变成了勃然大怒。Welland gave an exasperated sigh and turned back.韦兰十分烦恼地叹了口气,转过身去。I sighed and closed the file as if to signify that the matter was closed.我叹了口气,把文档合上,算是把这事了了。There was a peremptory note in his voice.他说话的声音里有一种不容置辩的口气Puffing a little, Mabel shifted her weight onto her feet.梅布尔喘了口气,把身体重心移到脚上。A weary sigh escaped him.他疲惫不堪,不自觉地叹了口气She sighed with contentment.她心满意足地舒了口气Did she detect a certain smugness in his tone?她是否听出他话里带了点沾沾自喜的口气?Finally she waved off the last of the guests from the porch and turned back indoors with a weary sigh.最后,她在门廊挥手作别最后一拨客人,转身进门,疲惫地叹了口气Don't use that rude tone of voice with me.别用那种粗鲁的口气跟我说话。Her tone implied that her patience was limited.她的口气暗示她的耐心是有限的。There was a note of urgency in his voice.他的嗓音里带一种急迫的口气Her father sounded like a real ogre.她父亲的口气听上去像个十足的恶魔。She spoke to me in an imperious voice.她用傲慢的口气对我说话。She cynically asserts that our species is devolving.她以嘲笑的口气断言人类正在走向衰落。Make a list of all the benefits of stopping smoking, for example better health, fresher breath, and more money.把戒烟的种种好处列出来,比如说身体会更健康,口气会更清新,又可以省下钱来。Does my breath smell?口气有味道吗?She gasped for air and drew in a lungful of water.她喘了口气,吸入了一大口水。Sherman stopped, took a breath, and opened the door.舍曼停下来吸了口气,然后打开门。With a sorrowful sigh she folded the letter and put it away.她悲伤地叹了口气,把信折好收了起来。Max sighed, sounding even more downhearted.马克斯叹了口气,听起来愈发消沉了。She spoke with a whine.她以抱怨的口气说话。She could hear the menace in his voice.从他的声音里,她能听出威胁的口气When the subject is national security, all the candidates talk tough. 当涉及国家安全时,所有候选人的口气都很强硬。She let out a loud sigh and tried to gather her wits.她大声叹了口气,想清醒一下。His speech struck a note of despair.他的演讲带有绝望的口气




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