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词汇 叛乱
例句 The unfair tax laws sparked a rebellion.不公平的税法引发了一场叛乱The rebellion was led by the King's brother.这场叛乱由国王的弟弟带头。News reached the capital that two garrisons in the south had revolted against the government.消息传到首都,说南方有两支卫戍部队发生反政府叛乱The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion.总统在对记者谈到叛乱时似乎有意开战。They can cause revolts in enemy provinces by fermenting unrest.通过挑起骚动,他们可以在敌方省份制造叛乱The government is reported to be concerned about the growing insurgency in the south.据报道,政府对于南方日益扩大的叛乱局势深感焦虑。The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.政府已对叛乱士兵宣布了即刻生效的赦免期限。Rebellion broke out in India.印度爆发叛乱The rebellion is expected to further damage the country's image.预计叛乱将会进一步破坏这个国家的形象。Rebellions in the area were bloodily repressed by pro-government forces.该地区的叛乱遭到了亲政府军队的血腥镇压。Can the government in Freetown defend itself against rebel attacks?弗里敦政府能够保卫自己免受叛乱袭击吗?The rebellion was quickly crushed by forces loyal to the President.叛乱被效忠于总统的部队迅速镇压了。The revolt was swiftly quashed by government troops.叛乱很快就被政府军镇压下去了。The only journalist to witness the rebellion gave a spine-chilling account of atrocities carried out by both sides.唯一一名目击这次叛乱的记者描述了双方令人毛骨悚然的残暴行为。The rebellion started in Kilalla and spread quickly through the Western provinces.叛乱从基拉拉开始,迅速蔓延到西部各省。They were stirred up to rebellion.他们受到煽动,起来叛乱The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days.叛乱在几天之内就被镇压下去了。After the rebel leaders were captured or killed, the trouble subsided.叛乱领袖被抓的抓,杀的杀,之后,骚乱平息了下来。The attack was carried out by a rebel group.这次袭击是一个叛乱组织干的。He was charged with inciting people to rebel.他被控煽动民众起来叛乱They fear the consequences of rebellion.他们担心叛乱的后果。Army forces crushed the revolt, forcing many to flee the country.军队镇压了叛乱,迫使许多人逃离了该国。They staged a rebellion against Spanish rule in Mexico.他们在墨西哥发动了一场反抗西班牙统治的叛乱The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.海军在平息这场叛乱的过程中起到了有限但却十分重要的作用。It was widely believed that the outlaws had been plotting an insurrection.很多人都认为不法分子在策划叛乱Herrera knew that if his government failed to put down the revolt, it would spread to outlying areas.赫雷拉知道一旦他领导的政府不能镇压叛乱叛乱就会扩散到边远地区。No rebel group has claimed responsibility for planting the explosives in the van.没有一个叛乱组织声称为在小型货车内放置炸弹负责。Rebel soldiers overran the embassy last night.昨晚叛乱士兵占领了大使馆。The rebellion failed completely.这次叛乱彻底失败了。The main rebel groups have agreed to join in a meeting to set up a transitional government.主要叛乱集团已同意参加会议讨论建立一个过渡政府。The sailors staged a mutiny and took control of the ship.水手发起叛乱并控制了这艘船。The revolt in the north is believed to have been instigated by a high-ranking general.北方的叛乱据信是由一名高级将领唆使的。Luckily the rebellion was quickly scotched.很幸运,叛乱很快就被扑灭了。The British soon put down the rebellion.英国很快镇压了那次叛乱The capital was destroyed during the rebellion.首都在叛乱期间被毁了。The government has brutally crushed the rebellion.政府残酷镇压了叛乱The army is stationed near the capital, ready to crush any signs of a revolt.军队驻扎在首都附近,一旦出现叛乱的迹象,随时准备镇压。The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion.总统和记者说起叛乱时,情绪激昂。The king issued a general pardon to all those involved in the rebellion.国王对所有参与叛乱的人发出了大赦。The rebellion has been crushed, but mopping-up operations may take several weeks.叛乱已被粉碎,但肃清行动可能还要几个星期。




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