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词汇 受雇
例句 She was paid to escort a billionaire businessman to a society party.受雇陪同一名亿万富商参加一个社交聚会。He hired himself to work in the fields.受雇在田间干活。He was hired to dub the dialogue for a foreign film.受雇为一部外国影片配音。He was hired as a professional greeter, welcoming customers to the store.受雇为专职迎宾员,迎接光顾商店的客人们。Thousands of extras were hired for the battle scene.数千名群众演员受雇来拍摄战争场面。He was employed for a two year period on a trial basis.受雇试用两年。Two million workers are employed processing goods for electronic firms.两百万名工人受雇为电子公司加工产品。She was hired to ghostwrite the mayor's autobiography.受雇为市长的自传代笔。They hired themselves out as assassins.他们受雇当刺客。He freely admits he is unemployable and will probably never find a job.他坦率地承认他不适合受雇,很可能永远也找不到工作。She's been hired to administer the fund.受雇管理基金。She's been hired to lay out the election campaign.受雇筹划竞选活动。We have been employed to look at ways of reducing waste.我们受雇研究减少浪费的方法。She's one of the political hirelings who run the candidate's campaign.她是那些受雇操纵候选人竞选的政治黑手之一。He was hired to oversee design and construction of the new facility.受雇监管新设施的设计与建造。Saunders was a paid informer, passing information to the secret police.桑德斯是一个受雇向秘密警察通风报信的线人。An independent company has been hired to review the hospital's operations.一家独立公司受雇检查这家医院的运营情况。You have been paid for the full period of your employment with us.你整个受雇期的酬金我们已经全部付清。She's been hired to write and debug computer programs.受雇编写电脑程序以及消除其中的错误。He was hired as a cook-cum-dishwasher.受雇做厨师兼洗碗工。He was hired as a cryptographer to break the enemy's secret code.他作为密码专家受雇破译敌人的密码。She hired out as a cook.受雇成为一名厨师。He is signed to a three-year contract.他签了三年的受雇合同。Unqualified teachers stand little chance of being employed.不合格的教师不大有受雇的可能。Kelly is employed as a mechanic.凯利受雇当了一名技工。He was hired for a three month period on a trial basis.受雇试用三个月。She's been employed as a gardener for many years.多年来她一直受雇当园丁。The magazine did well during the course of her employment as editor.在她受雇当编辑时,这份杂志还办得不错。Unqualified teachers stand little chance of being hired.不合格的教师不大有受雇的希望。He'd been hired to distribute leaflets to people who passed by.受雇向路人分发传单。He was hired to write programming code.受雇编写计算机程序。He's exclusively employed on repairing cars.受雇专门修理汽车。She was hired to replace the previous manager.受雇来接替之前的经理。I signed myself on as a field hand.受雇当了田间小工。The comedian does engagements in top night clubs.那位喜剧演员受雇在一些高级夜总会演出节目。The film is about a professional killer who's hired to liquidate a powerful businessman.影片讲述的是一位职业杀手受雇去杀害一位有权势的商人。A private investigator had been engaged to watch Mr Hart and report on his activities.一名私家侦探受雇监视哈特先生并报告他的活动。He's a teacher most of the year, but in the summer he hires himself out as a tour guide.他一年大部分时间在当老师,但在夏季他受雇去当导游。In many cases workers were being employed without a written contract.在许多情况下,工人受雇却没有签书面合同。Local people were hired to mine the gold.当地居民受雇去采金矿。




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