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Both, allegedly, were bunged by the foreign team.据说两人都被外籍参赛队贿赂了。My nose is bunged up.我的鼻子不通气。My nose is all bunged up.我的鼻子完全不通气了。Leaves had bunged up the drain.树叶把下水道堵住了。Leaves had bunged up the drains.叶子把下水道堵住了。I couldn't sleep last night because I was all bunged up.昨夜我无法入睡,因为鼻子全堵了。The toilet was bunged up with paper.马桶被卫生纸堵住了。His eyes and face were all bunged up from the fistfight.他在拳斗中被打得眼青脸肿。 |